Mike McCoy has remained a dedicated and passionate programmer throughout his entire career and the fruits of his work ethic have been rewarding each step along the way. He currently holds one of iHeartMedia’s treasured programming positions as RSVP of Programming for the South Ohio Region, and is based out of town that Mike is equally passionate about. [more]

For this month’s Programming to Win column, Paul Jacobs of Jacobs Media takes a look at the relationship between PDs and salespeople. What can each group learn from the other? How can everyone work in tandem to serve your station’s best interests? Paul provides six suggestions on how programming and sales can come together to benefit your brand. [more]

Which Pop artists would make successful on-air jocks, and what qualities do they possess support your thoughts? [more]

Elvis Duran, Jared Fallon, Raphael Opida, Chris K, Caroline Beasley, Bill Weston, Justin Chase [more]

Tim “Romeo” Herbster, Erik Bradley, Mike Easterlin, Mike Preston, Chris Lopes, Robert Scorpio [more]