Zac Davis has quietly become one of Clear Channel’s top programming minds who oversees programming at Heritage Top 40 WDCG (G105)/Raleigh and WKSL. He’s a real radio guy who gets “it!” He’s always focused on the task at hand and has done an outstanding job of keeping one of CC’s premier CHRs at the top of their game while creating a whole new brand with 93.9 KISS FM. Most important, Zac is having fun doing it!

By Bob Burke

Zac Davis

Zac Davis

Zac Davis has quietly become one of today’s top programming minds within Clear Channel Radio. During his 17 year radio career Zac has put in the work from his first job handling Promotions and part time on-air duties at WWLD (Wild 106)/Tallahassee in 1996, to hosting nights on WVYB (103.3 The Vibe)/Daytona Beach and swing work at KQKS (KS 107.5)/Denver.
In 1999, Davis would eventually venture into the programming side of the business while serving as APD/MD KUUU (U92)/Salt Lake City. He then landed his first PD job at WBVD (95.1 The Beat)/Melbourne in 2002. His programming experience has also included stops at WGBT (94.5 The Beat)/Greensboro, KOSO (B93) Modesto and WABB (97.5 WABB)/Mobile. He also had a short stint as APD/MD at Country WRDU (106.1 Rooster Country)/Raleigh. Yes…Country! In 2009, Max Media tapped Davis for its PD position at Top 40 KDHT (HOT 107.1) in Denver. Davis would later add OM duties for sister, KJHM (Jammin’101.5). But it was in May of last year that Davis’ would return to the CC family by landing the coveted job of overseeing programming at Top 40 WDCG (G105)/Raleigh and WKSL, replacing Randi West who recently departed for Tampa. His mission…pretty simple, continue to dominant in one of Clear Channel’s Top radio markets, which by the way, he is, and both stations have the numbers to prove it!

How did the opportunity come about to program such a well-respected Top 40 station in G105?
I found out that Randi West was leaving to go to Tampa and I made sure that Chris Shebel (the OM) had my stuff by the end of that same Friday. To live in Raleigh and program G105 was a dream come true. Then while in talks with CCM+E Raleigh, they asked if I’d like to program Rhythmic AC 93.9 Kiss FM and that just made the job even sweeter.

So now that it’s been a little more than a year since you landed in Raleigh, how satisfied are you with the station’s performance?
G105 has enjoyed a very solid performance in 2012 and despite facing increased competition in the Pop arena since we began getting measured with PPM, G105 has finished #1 overall with great showings 18-34 and 25-54! 93.9 Kiss FM is also enjoying its highest ratings ever and we have these two stations working together consistently.

There’s no question that Clear Channel is leading the way in the digital arena. How important is having success in the digital world for G105 both present day and for its future?
CCM+E has amazing resources at its disposal in every arena. Digitally, we also have some of the sharpest people around.Rachael Lotter is our Digital PD and is involved in every step of the creative process with the stations and we always work to have a strong digital component in every promotion on G105 and Kiss FM! She’s truly a Rock-star and we spend a lot of time getting the digital portion of the product right so it’s interactive to bring listeners to the site.

What platforms are you seeing the most feedback from that are really exciting listeners?
Anytime Bob and the Showgram gets behind a story or a bit, we always see traction online from their loyal following! They’re truly celebrities in this market and they work hard! OUR WEBCHATS with One Direction and Big Time Rush have been in high demand. We’ll see huge web spikes and our night guy Tyler isn’t afraid to ask the big questions to the artists.

You’ve worked at many different types of formatted stations. G105 has always been a traditional Top 40 but as music changes and trends lean in different genres how hard is it to balance one of the premier Mainstream Top 40s in the country?
I believe it’s important to stay within the listeners’ expectations of G105. The station is 31 years old and despite the fact that thousands of new potential listeners are moving to Raleigh every month, G105 is a positive, long standing brand in the community that has now lasted for generations. We never want to lose focus of whom G105 serves everyday and (APD/MD) Kobi and I work to deliver what they expect every quarter hour!

Music research is a big part of what helps craft the sound at many radio stations nowadays but where does “gut” come into play versus the research when picking potential hits for the station?
Research is a great tool and a contributor to us being in such a great position throughout much of 2012, but Kobi and I look at many different factors when seeking out hits for G105. We’re very patient with new music and look at what fits for us each week with the rest of the playlist. We feel that a balance is very important on G105 AND on Kiss FM! While we have freedom to use our gut, we also have an endless amount of resources to back up what our gut tells us.

Programmers are being asked to do more and manage on many different levels. What’s the key to staying focused on the target?
Surrounding yourself with GREAT people who keep you plugged in. We have fantastic people on G105 and Kiss FM and a strong Promotions and Digital department. Our Sales department is also great to bounce things off of. They are predominantly in the target for G105 and Kiss FM. We talk out all of our decisions together and everyone is a contributor in the process. Dating someone in the demo never hurts either.

5089716How much fun are you having also overseeing the programming for 93.9 KISS FM?
93.9 Kiss FM is a real success story in Raleigh, and it is a GREAT brand in the community! It’s fronted by our Morning Talent, Dave Kent who’s been on the station for nine years! He connects really well with the demographic and does a GREAT job for us. Mandi (middays) and Kobi (afternoon drive) are great at making Kiss FM a champion everyday in the market. It’s so much fun to be able to watch Kiss grow into a real player in the ratings AND revenue arenas. My counterpart on the sales side, Cassie (GSM for WDCG and WKSL), is a P1 to Kiss FM and she believes in the product as much as I do and she is a GREAT partner. I’ve found it’s so important to have someone on the revenue side who believes in and uses the product.

Any advice for up and coming talent on making it in today’s radio business environment?
Be versatile and never say no. Learn as much as you can about every aspect of the radio station. When I got my start in the Mid 90’s, I never thought I’d be the PD of a Triple A station in California or do Afternoon Drive on a Country Station. Learn to adapt and be an open book.

What still excites you most about coming to work on a daily basis?
Working WITH great people on our team here in one of the greatest cities in the country, and working FOR great people, our listeners of these great brands!

5089713When people hear the call letters “G105” what would you like them to think of first?
Bob from the Showgram and I did this exercise last year and made boxes (think Chinese takeout boxes) that represent the Showgram and G105. G105’s box has the logo on top and on each side has an aspect of what it represents, and they are “Showgram”, “Topical”, “Popular Music,” and “Fun”. That’s what I think of when I think “G105.”         

[eQB Content By Bob Burke]