Carl Craft

Carl Craft

When Carl Craft interviewed for a position at WDHA, little did he know that it would turn into a gig as PD of a Jersey shore start-up Rock station. That station turned out to be WRAT The Rat and Craft has been there ever since. FMQB caught up with Craft for a conversation as he is still basking in the glow of receiving the Career Achievement honor as Small Market Program Director at FMQB’s 40th Anniversary celebration.

e-QB presents excerpts from the May FMQB magazine Rock Up Close with WRAT/Monmouth-Ocean PD Carl Craft

On his accomplishments as PD of the Rat… To create the station and make it last more than the two or three years that people in the market were predicting is a pretty big accomplishment.  I’m proud of the couple of four-share books that we’ve had and, except for two people, we have hung on to the original air staff from 1996. There’s a lot of loyalty here.  There’s a lot of love for the brand we’ve created.

On being in the shadows of New York and Philadelphia… We’re more geared towards a New York lifestyle and mentality than Philadelphia.  It has pushed us to be a better radio station because we compete against bigger budgets, bigger egos and bigger companies. It makes us work harder.  It’s made our marketing department be extremely street related, and to fight on the streets for any appearance.

On The Rat’s owner, Greater Media… Greater Media is a company that provides security and feedback. They fly PDs and sales managers to conferences. The last PD training was at the Detroit cluster and the incredible facility they have there.  They go out of their way to take people out of their routine to talk about radio and the challenges in this business. Not a lot of companies do that.

On doing morning drive and being the PD… It’s so important to take the pulse of the radio station as program director to know what people on the phones are calling for. It’s really important; if you’re an off-air PD, to every now and then jump on the air.  It gives you an opportunity to lead from example.  When you talk to your staff about how you want something presented, they know that your comments to them are based from on-air reality.  You lead from a standpoint of credibility if you’re pulling an air shift.

On his management style and philosophy… I try to explain what my motivations are for my decisions, instead of just telling my staff what my decision is.  I’d rather let them know the reasons, and then maybe they can use those reasons to make other decisions for themselves on other topics, on other things. I am not the guy who pokes his head in the office and screams his head off about something.  I’m quite the opposite actually.  Sometimes people wonder if I have a pulse, but you’re not going to hear me calling the hot line unless it’s to give positive feedback.

On The Rat’s music position… We are in a niche to the extent that we play guitar oriented Rock. Whatever this little platform is, this lifestyle, this attitude, whatever this Rock and Roll thing is, it’s not done yet, it’s not over.  The rumors of its demise are quite unfounded, in my opinion.  There is still great, great new Rock yet to be played, and when it comes out The Rat will play it.

On the vibe of the airstaff… Everybody does this in their own way, but I want them to have fun.  I want it to sound like they enjoy what they do more than any other person who could ever do anything. People here are positive and enjoy what they do. If people aren’t going to have fun here, well, then go somewhere else where you can have fun. 

**QB Content by Michael Parrish **