Life is pretty good nowadays for Tom “Jammer” Naylor! He’s having fun in The Big Easy, playing the hits, and making B97 must-listen radio! He and his staff are focused on creating a brand of radio that is sure to entertain while also serving the community that makes them New Orleans #1 choice for “All The Hits!”

By Bob Burke

Tom Naylor may be the Program Director at Entercom CHR WEZB/New Orleans but it’s his alter ego “Jammer” that most know him by, including those he entertains daily on B97. He plays the hits while creating a compelling brand of radio that he hopes makes an emotional connection with listeners. Jammer’s passion for radio began in the early 90s at WIOQ/Philly while working in the Promotions Department. It was at Q102 where he would learn a think outside-the-box approach relating to both radio and music which would serve him well throughout his career including programming stops at WWKX/Providence, WEDJ/Charlotte, KWWV/San Luis Obispo, KYLZ/KKSS/Albuquerque, KWID/Las Vegas, WABB/Mobile and WZOK/Rockford. He even spent some time at KHOM (Mix 104.1)/New Orleans in the mid-90s.
Nowadays Jammer is more than enjoying his second run in The Big Easy and is making the most out of his time in a city that’s still mentioned in the same breath as Hurricane Katrina. But make no mistake the city of New Orleans is back providing good times and great memories for all those who visit and B97 is the station for “All The Hits!”

What’s been the biggest change in the market you’ve seen since you first arrived almost six years ago?
New Orleans is a market that doesn’t really change. Most of the people who are born here, stay here, and raise their own families here. Hurricane Katrina shook that up obviously in 2005. Most people have returned and have rebuilt or are still in the process. As far as competition within the market, there have been many changes in the from Hot AC to Active Rock to Country. Then another station going from Alternative to Classic Rock to 80 and 90’s Dance to Hot AC. It’s really a never ending story for some stations. We at B97 have been as consistent and focused as ever!

Is radio doing a better job overall at delivering a compelling product to listeners or what can it do better to help expand its audience?
Some stations are and some stations are not. I’ve always believed if you keep your station top of mind you will win. Make people talk every once and awhile. Keep your brand real. Plug into the heartbeat of the market…make em’ say wow! B97 does exactly that!

The job of Program Director is so much more nowadays. What’s the key to staying focused and keeping the staff on target to achieve the station’s main goals?
It’s having great people working side by side day and night. The staff is focused and does their thing: Stevie G is the APD /MD,John Palumbo is Promotions Manager, Annette (Wade) Baslie is our Digital Director, Tpot is TOTALLY plugged into digital and everything Pop culture. Corey B lives on twitter and is great in the production room. Johnny Palumbo and Annette are former Program Directors and I couldn’t do it without every ones’ collaborative efforts!

You’ve always been a passionate music guy when it comes to finding those records that are unique to B97. How important is it to uncover those kinds of records that help give the station more of a pulse and personality?
It goes back to the beginning of Q102/Philly. We were taught to sniff out, hunt down and own the street songs. It was the job ofFernando Ventrua and me to get the pulse of what was going on. That’s something that will never leave me. In 2014 we still need to do that but with how hot the format is right now it’s sometimes a challenge to fit them in.

How important is research these days. How do balance gut versus test scores?
Research is a great tool. It’s never the rule. There are also many other factors we take into account that are just as important. When you look at digital downloads, Shazam, texts-requests, and so many others you get a broader view, not just one dimensional. These other information sources are vital because not every song reacts the same. For example: A Great Big World“Say Something” was huge out of the gate with Shazam, text, digital downloads, but took sometime with callout research as many songs do. We also do a lot of database testing which gives us the opportunity to hear from the core on a weekly basis. Believe me, if we jump off of a song mid-way in, it’s not because we don’t like it. It’s because we have strong reason to be cautious and need to re-evaluate the song.

5158855The Top 40 format is enjoying some of its best years musically. What genres do you see really emerging this year, and is the format as healthy as it seems?
It’s kind of funny sometimes as music cycles go. Four years ago we couldn’t for the life of us find enough Pop/Rock songs to balance out the station. A year ago we couldn’t find enough Urban/Hip Hop songs that worked. For the past couple of months things seem like they are balanced out pretty well! Top 40 always does well when there is a good balance of strong songs. Right now we’re glad to have great music from Kate Perry, Lorde, Jason Derulo, Imagine Dragons, etc. But I guess that’s the easy part, the harder part is when we find ourselves looking for one or the other.

How important have new media platforms and technologies been in branding B97?
Here at Entercom & B97 it’s not the future, it’s been NOW for a while. We are 100% focused on everything Digital. Facebook, Texting, Twitter, Database, B97 Apps, B97 Mobile, Website, Instagram etc. All are important extensions of the mother ship that keep us constantly connected with the audience.

How tough is it nowadays to keep the audience engaged with so many other entertainment options available in the digital space and what’s the key to staying in the game?
It’s our job to make sure they have the audience thinking about B97 as much as possible. It’s also our jobs to make sure we are interacting with our audience on every digital platform available. I think the key to staying in the game is keeping it as relevant, compelling and local when you can. We have a powerful line up at B97 starting with The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show. We are obviously missing everything about Kidd Kraddick but people in New Orleans are extremely passionate about the show and are loving big time what Kelly, Al, Jay-Si and Jenna have done to continue to carry the show on in his name. We also have a VERY unique afternoon show we call the Afternoon Swirl. It’s the married couple of Stevie G. & Tpot. They put on an incredible show everyday that could and should be syndicated. On the promotion side of things, we own every concert that comes to New Orleans that makes sense for our brand. Our listeners expect the shot to win tickets and backstage opportunities to meet the artists and beyond. We are always trying to blow their minds with new and fresh experiences that will connect them with artists, events and more.

What’s it like working for a company like Entercom and a alongside a great programming mind like Pat Paxton?
I’ll give you a football analogy. Entercom, Chris Claus/Market Manager and Pat Paxton are just like the Seattle Seahawks. They are here to kick your ass, take the trophy, and make you think about changing your profession if you’re not playing for us. In other words: the best in the business! (Note: It hurts to say the Seahawks because I’m a Saints and Eagles fan!)

What advice would you give to up and coming talent who aspire to become programmers?
Bring it and bring it hard! Radio needs new, fresh, and exciting ideas. There are way too many vanilla boring brands in our world today. Always keep the basics on target but make a splash and move the needle. Play the hits and have fun. If you forget either one of them you’re probably going to get into trouble!

It’s been nine years since Hurricane Katrina, the city has rebuilt itself. Are there areas that are still affected?
It has been a very long nine years for everyone affected by Katrina. The city is back in full throttle. I still have friends not from here, and they ask is Bourbon Street fully open? The answer is hell yes! Please come and spend money. There are some areas that are not back and may never be fully back which is very sad. I was not here for Katrina, but I am very aware of what a life changing event it was.

What immediate goals are on the 2014 agenda for Jammer and B97?
Win more and go higher!! Keep the team and brand focused on being #1…No pressure!

The B97 staff. (L-R): Jammer, Stevie G, Tpot, Corey B, Annette Wade Basile, John Palumbo. (Photo: Steve Suter)

The B97 staff. (L-R): Jammer, Stevie G, Tpot, Corey B, Annette Wade Basile, John Palumbo. (Photo: Steve Suter)