Hanging with Tom “Life Is A Highway” Cochrane in 1992.
(l-r): WPLJ’s Mike Preston, Cochrane, Capitol’s Jamie Chernin and Chris Lopes.

1999 produced some great talent including Christina Aguilera who visits Kiss 108/Boston. (L-R): RCA’s Aaron Bornes,
MD David Corey, Christina, and PD John Ivey.

It doesn’t get much heavier than this flashback to the early 90s!
(L-R): Margaritaville President Bob Mercer, Jimmy Buffett,
Island Founder/Chairman Chris Blackwell
and Island President/CEO Johnny Barbis.

98 Degrees and WDRQ/Detroit PD Alex Tear (center) heat up the Motor City in 1999.

Earasure makes an appearance in the early ‘90s at WPST/Trenton. (L-R): Eddie Davis, Vince Clarke, PD Michelle Stevens, Andy Bell and APD/MD Dave McKay

Nikki Nite and Green Day’s Billie Joe bond in Myrtle Beach in 1998.