John Boulos, Kevin Weatherly, Gary Wall, Keith Naftaly, Monte Lipman, Scott Shannon, Kidd Kraddick

Paula Abdul shares an “I’m Forever Yor Girl” moment
with Virgin’s John Boulos in the late 80s.

KROQ/Los Angeles honors Gary Wall in the mid 90s.
(L-R): WORK’s Burt Baumgartner, Platinum Music’s Del Williams, AIR’s Jonas Cash, KROQ’s Kevin Ryder, KROQ’s Kevin Weatherly, KROQ Honoree Gary Wall, Arista’s Keith Naftaly, Columbia’s Kid Leo, KROQ’s Bean Baxter, KMEL’s Michelle Santosuosso, KROQ’s Trip Reeb.

Wilson Phillips vists Tampa in 1990. (L-R): SBK’s Ken Lane, Chyna Phillips, Q105’s Mason Dixon, Carnie Wilson, and SBK Atlanta local Monte Lipman. –

Radio legends unite at the Gavin in 1996.
(L-R): Scott Shannon, Dan Ingram, Dale Dorman,
Kidd Kraddick, and Dr. Don Rose.
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