This week’s Programming To Win is a short and sweet anecdote from Bob Quick, who relates the tale of a broadcaster friend who was criticized for interrupting World Cup coverage with a severe weather warning. Quick reminds us that serving the public’s best interests should always be a broadcaster’s goal.

Bob Quick

Bob Quick

By Bob Quick

Decisions are hard.

Especially if they are unpopular with the masses.

My friend Joe Veres mad an unpopular decision recently that went viral. Even though he was right and was “serving the public good” as all broadcasters must as REQUIRED by the FCC. He was skewered by social media.

Joe had the audacity to believe that information about a tornado was more important than the last 10 minutes of a very exciting World Cup Final.

Yes, this Joe Veres.

Read the unflattering comments that are NOT SAFE FOR WORK.


Say what you will about the popularity of soccer in the US, but human life is more important. I would hope the same decision would have been made if the Super Bowl was on, but we’ll never know.

What I do know, is that Joe made the right decision and today I read the National Weather Service confirmed that an F1 tornado touched down in his viewing area. Just maybe his breaking in saved some lives. But once again, we’ll never know.

However difficult the decision, if you are true to your beliefs, you will make the right one.

Stick to your guns…stand behind what’s right…and you’ll make the right decision.

I just pray to God that you won’t have to make one like Joe did for your listeners.

Bob Quick at Quick Radio Consulting has never shied away from making the tough decisions as a broadcaster. He can teach your staff to make them too. Call him at 706-358-9103 today.