Roman Remains
(Hot Records Ltd.)
When English band The Duke Spirit decided to take a break for a little while after 2011’s Bruiser album, members Liela Moss and Toby Butler began working on music together that was departure from their norm into the world of electronic music. Recently releasing an EP, followed shortly thereafter by a debut full length album Zeal, Roman Remains has become more than just a side project for the two.
Many of you have played their lead single “This Stone Is Starting To Bleed” as well as album tracks “Animals” and “Tachycardia,” but you probably haven’t heard the songs of Zeal as you will in our latest SubModern Session where Leila and Toby perform acoustic renditions of some of the album’s tracks. Check out the session for yourself and share it with your listeners. It’s downloadable for airplay HERE or to embed it on your website HERE.
Find out more at RomanRemains.com.
By Josh T. Landow