September 9, 2022
What images does “back to school” evoke in your mind?
Matt Johnson, WPLW: Hot-ass unairconditioned classrooms. Kobe, WURV: Books, trapper-keepers, and my old Transformers lunch box.
Adam Rivers, WKCI: Football season. Especially, having played it in High School. R Dub!, Z90/Magic 92.5: Trapper Keeper and clothes shopping at Miller’s Outpost. Jana Sutter, WXXL: Awful first day of school photos and school supply list. Buster Satterfield, WIOQ: New clothes! (Thanks Tommy Hilfiger)
Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: It gives me the same pit in my stomach that I used to get as a kid when summer was over. Boo! Joey Brooks, WKSS: Traffic and school buses. |
Mike O’Donnell, WKRZ: As a father, that the kitchen sink will not be loaded with dishes and the bedrooms won’t be a mess. As a kid, I was excited to show everybody my new Trapper Keeper, and also paper grocery bags to cover my books.
Valentine, WBHT: Trapper-keepers, GI Joe lunch boxes, waking up before the sun comes up, and falling asleep in first period. Josh Wolff, WAEB: Listening to the B94 morning show on the school bus with Kevin the bus driver. Heather Deluca, WSJO: I love the smell of composition notebook paper and brand newly sharpened pencils. I also LOVED picking out my ‘first day of school’ outfit, so seeing all the BTS photos on social media this week has been fun!
Lee Abrams, mediavisions: Excitement at first, then reality kicked in three days later. |
Guy Zapoleon, Zapoleon Consulting: A chance to grow, learn and compete. Also seeing many of my friends after a long summer. We had some amazing teachers in every school and they taught me life lessons I remember today. Plus, I had the greatest coach Nick Rodionoff at Birmingham High School where I was the worst swimmer on the best high school swim team in America. I worked my way up to varsity and was on the freestyle relay when we won our last city championship. That gave me my competitive edge for my career. Java Joel, WHBC: My green Trapper Keeper. Back to school 1986.
Erik Bradley, WBBM: Buying new school supplies, new clothes, seeing friends, new experiences, new classes + schedules…I liked the newness of it all! Rick Vaughn, KENZ: The smell of the railroad ties whilst walking into town for school. Jammer, WEZB: Sheer utter horror! |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
Other than ratings, how would you evaluate the success of a radio station?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com