September 9, 2017
Who is the greatest entertainer of all time and who is the greatest entertainer in today’s Pop culture world?
![]() Heather Deluca, WSJO: Howard Stern is the greatest entertainer of all time. Was and still is.
Brian Mack, WXXL: I’d have to go with Paul McCartney of all time…or The Stones? They’ve hung in there the longest! Today, it’s hard to compete with Taylor Swift. High demand songs, tickets, and you never know who will show up on stage with her! Matt Talluto, WBYR: Anyone who saw Michael Jackson would back me up on “The Greatest Of All Time” nod. Today? It’s a toss up between Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars…in my opinion.
Fish Boy, WKRZ: Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake. Matt “MJ” Johnson, KUDD: For different reasons in their own right, Michael Jackson and P.T. Barnum, plus I think Andy Kauffman deserves to be in the conversation too. I would say Howard Stern in today’s world, he’s still highly entertaining and very relevant.
Andrew Sykora, WBLI: Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake. Nik Rivers, WLKK: They are one in the same…Lenny Diana! Jonathan Pirkle, WNFZ: All Time – Elvis! Elvis had: Las Vegas, 20 years of almost constant tours, 35 movies, Aloha From Hawaii, 68 Comeback Special, Graceland, Impacted colon, Today – Bruno Mars. |
Chad Rufer, KZZO: Frank Sinatra and Taylor Swift.
Kobi, WNRW/WLGX: Michael Jackson. Today: Bruno Mars or Justin Timberlake. Java Joel, WAKS: Prince. He had it all – singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer, dancer, actor, weirdo. Currently? Bruno Mars. Chris “Hollywood” Mann, WERO: Frank Sinatra and Taylor Swift/ Lady Gaga.
Randi West, WMTX: Never saw him but probably Michael Jackson. Today, Taylor Swift. Jeremy Rice, WBLI:Michael Jackson and Bruno Mars. Jeff Hurley, WHKF/B104: Greatest of all-time has to be James Brown, and there’s nobody on his level in today’s world…the closest you’d have today is Kanye West.
Gina Gray, WERO: I have to go with Elvis for all-time. Taylor Swift for today, it’s have to go with Elvis for all-time. Taylor Swift for today, because it’s her world and we all just live in it. Sassy, WKXJ: Michael Jackson and Bruno Mars. Lenny Diana, WLZX: YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SHOOT ANYONE IN THE FOOT WHO DOESN’T SAY TAYLOR SWIFT FOR BOTH ALL TIME AND TODAY’S POP CULTURE. |
Jonathan Reed, WNOK: Elvis Presley. He just had that brand. Bruno Mars. Reid, KZZP: Robin Williams. Today, it’s a toss-up between Taylor Swift and Justin Timberlake. Jammer, WEZB: Michael Jackson. Today: Celine Dion and Michael Buble really know how to connect and communicate with their audience.
Rick Vaughn, Power 94.9: All time is Michael Jackson. In today’s Pop world, I see a lot of cookie-cutter entertainment. There’s a formula for everything. The last concert that really blew me away and kept me through the very end was Bruno Mars, so I’ll go Bruno. Kobe, WWHT: Frank Sinatra definitely for all-time. In today’s world, I have to go with my man Justin Timberlake who is this generation’s Sinatra. He’s a triple threat and there’s nothing he’s done that’s failed. Tony Waitekus, WHTQ: All-Time – Elvis Presley Today – Bruno Mars
Jason Squires, KFRR: Mase Brazelle is my answer to both of those. Kevin Kash, WWEG: I’ll give greatest entertainer to Clint Eastwood. He’s had plenty of movies that I watch over and over. For today’s pop culture, it’s a stretch but I’ll give it to the Impractical Jokers. First show in years that actually makes me LOL! |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What has been the most random celebrity encounter you’ve ever experienced and what were the circumstances?
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