September 6, 2019

What was the most memorable close/random encounter you’ve ever had with a non-music celebrity from any other field, and what were the circumstances?

Mike Miller, WZFT: In Las Vegas, the elevator opens up and I step out and stepped right on Smokey Robinson‘s shoe.


Toby Knapp, WASH: The most random has to have been at Cabo Cantina, on Sunset, in Hollywood, when then-WLLD APD Scantman and Entercom SVP Programming/San Francisco Brian Figula and I did shots with Tommy Lee – which HE sent us. Still an epic story from an epic time.

Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: One of my favorite moments…I’m sitting at a little diner in NYC and James Gandolfini walked in.

Brian Mack, WXXL: I ran into Jeremy Roenick at a legendary dive bar alongside Scott Backer (Def Jam) and John Mayer (Caroline) that can confirm this story. In fact, I believe they both (or one of them) has a photo of it. The irony of it was this had been previously the grungiest/best dive bar in Florida. He had been playing a golf tournament in town and had heard of this then legendary bar and arrived with some friends. I walked out of the bathroom and reported back to the others that I had passed by a gentleman who looked A LOT like Jeremy Roenick…when Mayer yelled “Roenick” he turned and waved to us. He looked in great shape still and was really great with us.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Tough to answer without sounding like you’re name-dropping but when Patty and I were having dinner in Venice, Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw sat at the table next to us. I think they got better service.

Fish, WKRZ: When I was a kid we were vacationing in Stone Harbor, NJ, and we were walking down the outdoor shopping area and my dad spot’s Michael Keaton, so I made sure I brushed up against him as he passed.

Buzz Knight, Beasley Media Group: Carl Sagan the late great astronomer. We were at the Delta Club waiting for a flight in NY. Of course, I had to be the idiot that somehow wove into the conversation his famous term “billions and billions” and as soon as I said it I regretted it!

Randi West, WMTX: I don’t know if it was memorable but it certainly was random. I once did a meet and greet with Prince and Carrot Top was there. So there I was backstage with Prince, the guys from 98 Degrees, Carrot Top, and the people from the station…pretty random group there.

Max Volume, KOZZ: One of my favorite encounters was meeting Patrick Swayze backstage at a Rod Stewart concert. Patrick was a sweetheart and he was super cool to everyone. Rod was dating Kelly Emberg and I sat next to her. She was “dripping with diamonds.” She smelled heavenly. I really grasped the concept of “out of my league” that night.

Nik Rivers, WLKK: I was once in Vegas, looking for a men’s room. After getting lost down a hallway, I came around a corner to hear a voice saying “the men’s room is that way…” I look up and it was none other than Louie Anderson of Family Feud/Baskets/Life with Louie fame.

Kevin Kash, WWEG: Random hang with Katherine Heigl when I was programming Mix XM. She showed up to support then-boyfriend Josh Kelley. Talked some Grey’s Anatomy with her as the show was beginning to take off.

Erik Bradley, B96: Michael Jordan. It was on the night the Bulls were retiring Scottie Pippen‘s #33 jersey at the United Center. I booked Brian McKnight to sing the National Anthem. Brian asked me to go to “a suite” to watch the rest of the game against the Lakers (Kobe was playing). It was MJ’s suite. Needless to say much of that was a blur but it was incredible to be around him for a couple hours!

JB King, KLUC: TOP 3: Talking at a urinal with Taye Diggs at RAIN Nightclub inside the PALMS LV. MTV Spring Break 1994 in San Diego, as a baby DJ, asking Bill Bellamy for an interview and him telling me to ‘F**k off!’ Telling Russell Wilson (at the Warner Bros Macklemore event in Seattle) that I’m a 49ers fan, then moments later Ciara gave me a big hug.

Jagger, WKSS/WKCI: Back in 2016 my friend was the assistant athletic trainer for the Cleveland Indians (my favorite baseball team) and at Yankee Stadium when the Tribe were in town he had me come down to the field for batting practice. I got to meet a couple players including Jason Kipnis and Jason knew who I was because my friend talk about me all the time and Jason said, “Hey you’re the big radio guy in New York aren’t you? I heard all about you.” What a thrill that was!

Matt Johnson, KSLZ: When I was back in college, I was out with friends and we had a few, then I was at a pizza place and they called my name for my two slices and I almost dropped them…on Donovan McNab who said, “Hey buddy, don’t drop that pizza!” I don’t remember any of it, but all my friends swear it happened.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: I ran into Bart Starr in a Ruby Tuesday’s buffet line, and he was one of my idols, still love the Packers. Needless to say, I said hi and he was incredibly nice to me and gave me his autograph…I was 12-years-old.

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: I was the DJ at a Shriver/Kennedy birthday party in Hyannis Port in 1996. The attendees were a veritable who’s-who of celebrities. As we were setting up speakers on the patio, all of a sudden, we hear a familiar voice and we turn around and it’s Arnold Schwarzenegger as he said, “Hey, is this where the party is?” He was holding a tuxedo in his hand!

Matt Talluto, WBYR: Met Dennis Rodman when he was a rookie for the Detroit Pistons in the 80’s. My friends and I rented a limo for the game (not sure why). We asked Dennis if he wanted a ride…he said yes! He claimed it was his first ride ever in a limo. Got pics to prove!

Todd Lyons, KATS: I ran into Hall of Fame pitcher Randy “The Big Unit” Johnson at a Tom Petty concert in Seattle at Key Arena and then, many years later, again at the Black Crowes/Jimmy Page show at the Greek Theater in L.A.

Lenny Bronstein, Heavy Lenny Promotions: I used to get invited to all the major press screenings and came to the big celebrity Broadway premiere of Myra Breckenridge, sitting surrounded by dozens of major stars. Ran to the men’s room before the lights went out and the doors of the men’s and ladies’ rooms were adjacent. I came out of there and literally bumped into Raquel Welch. Years later, I frequented a Hollywood restaurant and every time I went there, Raquel was sitting two tables over staring at me quizzically, as if she could not place me.

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: After a Sting concert at the Hollywood Bowl in LA we were in the lobby as we were exiting and Dustin Huffman was standing right there, so I just approached him and said, “Hey man, I’m sorry, but I’d kick myself if I didn’t say hi.” I told him I was a fan and he was really cool about it.

Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: I met (stalked) Jaime Lannister (aka Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) at the ACM Awards show. I used my backstage pass to run him down like it was my job. He nicely agreed to a pic which only made me cool if you were a true Game of Thrones superfan.

Josh Wolff, WAEB: I was 4 years-old and spotted Mr. Rogers walking on the street and proudly informed him that I knew how to tie my shoes. He was gracious, friendly, and genuinely interested.

Kobe, WWHT: I interviewed Hillary Clinton during the 2008 democratic primary campaign live on the air when I was at B94 in Pittsburgh. She was pretty much “a politician.” Also, while at B94 I had a near miss with Barrack Obama, same year 2008. He was supposed to call my hotline not for an interview but to thank me for not airing something that a celebrity endorser had said to me in a recording. I waited with baited breath, but he never called.

Chris K, The End: Shaquille O’Neal came to our Jingle Ball in 2006 when he was on the Heat who were in town to play the Kings. He came out to meet Rihanna backstage and I walked up to him and said, “What’s up man?” I walked him in to meet the Pussycat Dolls (who were also on the bill). So I have a picture with Shaq, me and the Pussycat Dolls, and my eyes are closed in the picture (pre-smart phone days so no retake). A real fun random moment.

Sassy, WKXJ: I was at a rally back in the nineties for Bill Clinton when he was campaigning for a second term. He was walking through the crowd and saying hi to everyone else and my friend and I wanted him to take notice of us, so we chanted really loud, “Bill and Gore, four more!” He heard us start it, and then the entire crowd started chanting it. He came over to us (with several Secret Service guys) and talked with us for a minute and allowed me to take a selfie with him.

R Dub! Z90: I was a bus boy at a resort in Tucson when the Dalai Lama visited. He walked right by me. I was only 16 and had no clue who this guy in the robe was!

Mase, CD1025: I was in NYC walking past Rockefeller Center and saw Tina Fey in the picket line for the writers’ strike. So I went up and asked for a picture which she agreed too. Then, thinking I should mention the strike, I asked her, “What can I do as a viewer help end the strike?” She said, “Write the networks and tell them to stop with all the bullshit reality shows.” I said…”yes ma’am!”

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What three songs best define the summer of 2019?
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