September 29, 2017

If you could interview anyone in the music, entertainment, political or sports worlds
who would it be and what would your first question be?

Alex Tear, Y100 / iHeartMedia Miami: How about a four-hour dinner with Bono? Then hang after? Not sure I remember the first question.

Brian Mack, WXXL: Anyone who signed the Declaration of Independence or Constitution/Bill of Rights and ask if we’ve met their evolved expectations.

Rick Vaughn, Power 94.9: Melissa Rauch,You, me, a bucket of chicken?” Or Donald Trump and my questions wouldn’t be nice.

R Dub!, Z90: I would interview Kim Jong Un and ask him, “Dude, what’s your deal?”


Brian Michel, iHeartMedia/Atlanta: The people I would want to interview are all dead.  But if alive, I would start with Tim Horton of the Toronto Maple Leafs. My first question would be, “Could I have your email address?”

Chris Michaels, FM100: Ryan Seacrest! My first question would be, “When do you sleep?”

Kobe, WWHT: Gary Vaynerchuk and I would ask him, “What’s the single most important thing radio can do to engage listeners in social media?” This guy is great. He’s an entrepreneur / author / prognosticator. He has his finger on the pulse of whatever is going to be the next big thing.

Chris K, 106.5 The End: Paul McCartney and I’d ask him, “How has the music industry changed in the last 50 years?” I’d be fascinated to hear what he would have to say about that.

Matt “MJ” Johnson, KUDD : Bill Belichick and I’d ask him, “How do you successfully operate in constant chaos?

Kobi, WNRW/WLGX: Barack Obama. What was coolest thing about being the President?

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: David Letterman and my first question would be, “What are you interviewing for Santa Claus?”

Mike Miller, WZFT: Donald Trump’s parents. What made you decide not to use birth control on that fateful night?

Mike McVay, Cumulus Media: Paul McCartney and I’d ask him, “Was Yoko really at the root of The Beatles break-up?”  Be honest with me on this.

John Boulos, Roadrunner Promotion: To Donald Trump, “How often were you dropped on your head as a spoiled little child to get this way.”

Fish Boy, WKRZ: Jerry Jones and I ask him, “Did you feel pressured into having to do that?”

Sassy, WKXJ: President Trump because it would get national coverage of him doing an interview with a black woman. My first question would be, “Can my station do a takeover of your twitter account for one day?” Millions of people would see the Kiss FM logo on twitter, bigly! Runner up would be Eminem. Besides Channel955, no one knows how to interview him correctly.


Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
If you could produce your own music festival, who would your headliners be, and what would the theme of the event be?
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