September 27, 2019

If there was going to be a biopic about your life, which actor or actress would you want to play you (and why), and what would be the theme song of the film?

Jagger, WKSS/WKCI: Chris Pratt, I met him at the beginning of his career and thought he was a super-cool guy. He’s versatile, funny, cool, he could be an action star. Theme song would be “Eye of the Tiger,” let’s get some Rocky in there!

Sassy, WKXJ: Zendaya because she’s skinny. The song would be “Bossy” by Kelis.

Kobe, WWHT: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson because he’s been my ultimate man-crush and it’s the closest I’d ever get to being “The Rock!” Theme song would be “Ruff Riders’ Anthem” by DMX.

Jammer, WEZB: Tommy from Power. many people say I look like him. Beastie Boys “You Gotta Fight For You’re Right To Party.”


Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: Adam Scott because we look exactly alike anyway. Theme song would be “Crazy Train” by Black Sabbath, as it should be for literally anyone in radio.

Fish, WKRZ: Vince Vaughn because he’s very quirky and has a serious side as well, just like me. Peter Gabriel, “Salisbury Hill.”

Todd Shannon, WAPE: Jimmy Kimmel, 40 lbs. ago. Theme song, “My Life” by Billy Joel.

Bob Patrick, WXLK: Mark Wahlberg, because we have the same build (obvs) and he’s a huge draw. It’s all about the coin. Need that box office cheddar. Theme songs for movie is “Can’t Hold Us” by Macklemore.

Java Joel, WAKS: Can’t narrow down to just one, but either Caitlyn Jenner, Richard Simmons or Bradley Cooper. Theme? “Slug Bait” by Throbbing Gristle. By the way, please subscribe to my new podcast “This Week In The 80s” on iHeartRadio, Apple and Spotify. I talk about songs that Bob Burke played when they were currents!

Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: No actor should EVER play me, but let’s go with Bruce Willis, just because he was cool back in the day…and really still is. Theme song has to be Kid Rock “Wasted Time.” Not biographical, just a badass song, I’ll take it!

Chris Michaels, FM100: Kevin James! Because he does some crazy goofy things that I do in my life. I have no idea what my theme song would be.

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: Ryan Reynolds because he’s Deadpool, and strikingly handsome. “Cowboy” by Kid Rock.

Matt Johnson, KSLZ: The correct answer is Tom Hanks. Song would be “Some Nights” by Fun, that’s how I feel about radio and my career.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: I’d pick George Clooney because biopics often times exaggerate the physical characteristics of their subjects. Theme song could be “The Spirit of Radio?”

R Dub! Z90: Fred Savage as a young me, Tom Hanks as an old me. Theme song: “Ramblin’ Man.”

Randi West, WMTX: Kate Beckinsale because, duh, she’s gorgeous. “Under Pressure” by Queen.


Max Volume, KOZZ: I would play me! The theme song would be “Safeside” by Webb Wilder!”

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: Peter Griffin from Family Guy because people always tell me I talk like him. Theme song would have to be “Working For The Weekend” by Loverboy.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
As we transition into Fall, what are your feelings regarding music tempo in general as it relates to seasonal tendencies?
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