September 18, 2023
What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
Drew Heyman, WHYI: I don’t really sleep a lot. Maybe 5 hours, I go from the clubs to the dealerships. Rich Davis, KDWB: I’m extraordinarily proud of the relationship that Mandi and I have had over all of these years, especially being in this business and moving around a lot with the kids. I’m super-lucky to have her and she’s always been a cheerleader for me, and always been a great support system for me and the kids wherever we lived. I’m very lucky because I feel I have a relationship that’s different than a lot of people. Valentine, WBHT: I absolutely LOVE the heat and humidity days. I heat differently than most. I love the hot, hot tropical temps. I’m going to miss summer. Jana Sutter, WXXL: I’d rather be outside and get dirty and sweaty than be inside laying on the couch. I’m not very good at laying on the couch! |
Adam Rivers, WKCI / WKSS: The way I look at music. Bob Patrick, WXLK: I brush my teeth in the shower. Started that as a young kid.
Guy Zapoleon, Zapoleon Consulting: I’m not sure it’s that different but I do try to listen to both sides of an argument before forming an opinion. In today’s divided America it’s important to remember that’s there’s a reason people feel the way they do and it’s important to understand them before you form your own opinion, then I seek to treat everyone with kindness. One thing I do differently is having a big lunch, I stopped eating dinner which has helped me get down to my 90’s weight. |
Rick Vaughn, KENZ: I don’t let my clocks dictate how much product I need. I let the amount of product dictate which clock I use. Jeremy Rice, WXXL: I find the most distant parking spot in the lot so I can park my car away from people and I enjoy the walk. I’m definitely a different Cat in general, well aware of that and take pride in it! Buster Satterfield, WIOQ: I and we as a station are in the more than most others. Brian Mack, iHeartMedia: Lean into every other metric vs. Nielsen. |