September 11, 2020

If you could go back in time and spend a day with any person from the music industry (artist, producer, mogul, etc.), who would it be and why?

Lee Abrams, MediaVisions: Steve Jobs, who revolutionized music listening via iPhones, iPods, and other devices, as well as music purchasing and discovery through iTunes. Beyond that, he’s a modern-day Edison who lost his company, regained it, and built it into a creative-driven giant that is helping to define world culture.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: Jimmy Iovine back in the day. After seeing The Defiant Ones, I became fascinated with his personality and career. He had that “buck the system” attitude and I admire that philosophy quite a bit. Honorable mention to Ahmet Ertegun way back in the sixties.

Java Joel, WAKS: I wasn’t a huge fan of them, but Van Halen – the “Diamond Dave” era. Looked like those guys had the best parties.

Buzz Knight, Buzz Knight Media: I’d like to spend a day shadowing George Martin. What a fascinating life he led and what an influential genius! I’d love to hear his take on innovation, collaboration and managing the biggest talent in the world!

Rick Vaughan, KENZ: Goodtime Charlie Minor! Go back and have a good time for a day!

Rick Cummings, Emmis Communications: Easy one, Charlie Minor. I still miss him all these years later.

Chris Michaels, FM100
: Probably Prince! I was such a big fan and never got to see him live. I would love to go back in time and hang with him and see him live that night.

Rich Davis, KDWB: I would love to spend some time with Clive Davis. I’ve always been fascinated by the hit-making process. While I was in Nashville I got to spend some time in various studios with artists that were recording in town, whether it was the Rock or Country side. The songwriting part, the producing part, the mixing…always intrigued me and nobody did it better than Clive.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Top three choices would be: A day with George Martin during any Beatles recording session. The day Quincy Jones produced “We Are the World.” The second day of Woodstock with Michael Lang.

Eliott King, Q102: Most of the people I’d want to talk to are still around lol. Top picks would be Jay Z and Timbaland. But going back in time for people who aren’t with us I would say Prince and Elvis.

Bob Patrick, WXLK: At the absolute peak of Beatlemania, whenever that was, I’d love to spend a day with The Beatles. That had to be fun, scary, emotional, crazy and a blast all wrapped into one.

Jeremy Rice, WBLI: Has to be The Beatles in England in the sixties.

Jordan, KSLZ: I would grab my guitar and go spend a day with James Taylor. More or less for a lesson on songwriting, but to hear the stories about how his catalog of music came to be, how certain songs were developed, which songs came easy, and which he really needed to work on to become the hits we know today.

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: Whitney Houston instantly pops into my head, and I would ask her, “What the heck were you thinking with Bobby Brown?” her whole career was still ahead of her…what an incredible talent!

Max Volume, KOZZ: I would love to go back to 1982 when Andy Schuon and I had just started in radio. We were the PD’s favorites and we’d have so much fun goofing off. We’d use sound effects and even the CB radio mike on occasion. We animated our air shifts!

Eddie Gutierrez, KJEE: It seems like Charlie Minor would have been a fun person to hang and network with.

Keith Hastings, KISS / KTKX: Alan Parsons. He was on the set for two of the most seminal albums ever, Abbey Road and Dark Side of the Moon.

Matt Johnson, KSLZ: Lou Pearlman.

Toby Knapp, WASH: Johnny Cash. I’d literally give about anything to sit with him for a day and just talk about life.

Josh Wolff, WAEB: Madonna, she was such an innovator and always pushed the envelope. Her stories and experiences have to be riveting. Her eighties songs are still relevant and have really held up in the AC world even today.

Brian Mack, WXXL: Still John Lennon, I still want to know if the tragic end of the greatest POP band ever was always the plan.

Kobe, WZNE: Daft Punk, not as the group, but when they’re wearing their production hats. I’d love to hang out with them and learn the entire process of collaborating with Pharrell, Nile Rogers, and The Weeknd, and the progressions they make from artist to artist. I think they’re bigger producers than they are artists.

Jammer, WEZB: Mick Jagger in the 70s. I would want to find out where that fountain of youth was or what deal he made with the devil.

Jagger, WKSS: Prince during the Purple Rain soundtrack. It’s one of the best albums of all-time and it would be awesome to hear his thoughts on the creative process he experienced when he crafted the songs for the soundtrack.

Fish, WKRZ: Clive Davis back in his heyday.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
Before your radio or music career, what were the best and worse jobs you ever had?
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