September 10, 2021
Which Pop songs define the summer of 2021, and who is the most influential Pop artist of the summer?
Brian Mack, WXXL: It would be hard not to say Olivia Rodrigo. Jeremy Rice, WBLI: “good 4 u,” “déjà vu,” “Kiss Me More,” “Montero,” “Industry Baby,” “Stay,” “Peaches.” Coolest song of the summer is “Beggin.” Artist is obviously Olivia Rodrigo.
Heather Deluca, WSJO: “Levitating,” “Bad Habits,” “Take My Breath,” “‘Summer of Love.” And I think The Weeknd was summer’s most influential pop star. His songs were EVERYWHERE! Josh Wolff, WAEB: Songs: “Beggin,” “Kiss Me More,” and any song from Olivia Rodrigo who happens to also be the artist of the summer. Java Joel, Javajoelmurphy@gmail.com: “good 4 u” and “deja vu,” who undoubtedly has had the biggest impact on pop so far this year. So, the artist would be Olivia Rodrigo. Matt Johnson, WPLW: All things having to do with Olivia Rodrigo! Adam Rivers, WKCI: “good 4 u” and Olivia Rodrigo. |
Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Summer ’21 Pop songs: “good 4 u,” “Kiss Me More,” “Bad Habits,” “Montero,” “Levitating.” Most influential is Olivia Rodrigo.
Rich Davis, KDWB: “good 4 u,” “Levitating,” “Montero,” “Kiss Me More.” Artist is definitely Olivia Rodrigo.
Buster Satterfield, WIOQ: No question, “good 4 u” and Olivia Rodrigo.
Bartel, WKTU: “Levitating,” “Kiss Me More,” “good 4 u,” “Astronaut In The Ocean.” Olivia Rodrigo is the artist without question. Joey Brooks, WKSS: “Montero,” “Stay,” and “good 4 u.” Olivia Rodrigo has owned the summer. Bob Patrick, WXLK: “good 4 u” and Olivia Rodrigo. |
Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: “good 4 u,” “déjà vu,” “traitor,” and Olivia Rodrigo for artist. Mike McVay, McVay Media: “Cold Heart.”
Rick Vaughn, KENZ: “déjà vu.” Olivia Rodrigo. Chris Michaels, FM100: “Levitating,” “good 4 u,” and “Peaches” were some of the biggest songs this summer. Most influential Pop artist is Olivia Rodrigo. |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
Regarding lifestyle, cultural appeal and overall environment, what’s your best/most favorite market you’ve ever worked in and why?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com