October 31, 2019
In honor of Halloween, what’s the most memorable costume (at any age) you’ve worn, and what is your favorite horror flick of all-time?
JB King, KLUC: Cliff Clavin from Cheers. Brian Mack, WXXL: One year my Mom made me HBO’s Cryptkeeper, and she basically did it from scratch (I still don’t know how she did it), and it was fantastic. Movie would be the initial Friday the 13th.
Bob Patrick, WXLK: The last 3 years I’ve been Gaston, Billy from Hocus Pocus and Thanos. All of them DIY and all for trick or treating with my girlfriend and her daughter. Honorable mention to the random scary dude get up my father got me in 5th grade. I won the contest and was banned from further contests. Scared all the kindergartners that year. Friday the 13th, Halloween and Jaws are my OG favs. Yes, Jaws is a horror movie! Chris Michaels, FM100: I think I was probably 8 or 9, but I was a mummy wrapped in toilet paper over my clothing. I remember halfway into trick or treating, all of the toilet paper was coming off and dragging behind. Embarrassing, and every now and then I still bring that up to my mom. Remember that time? Yeah…it was a memorable Halloween!
Kevin Kash, WWEG: Way too many favorites. Classics and recent. I’ll go with Saw for modern and Nightmare On Elm Street as classic. I once dressed up as King Diamond for a party in Fenwick Island, DE. I was the only one that knew who I was supposed to be. |
Todd Shannon, WAPE: Most memorable would be early seventies dressing up as Batman, and that costume still fit me that following summer and I was Batman all summer long on my big-wheel with my transistor radio going up and down the sidewalk. I’m not really into the horror flicks, but if I had to pick one it would be Pet Sematary, that one was very creepy. Kobe, WWHT: As a Jehovah’s Witness I never dressed up as a kid, but I made up for it in my 20’s when I went as white Shaft. Favorite flick is A Nightmare on Elm Street.
R Dub! Z90: My costumes have always sucked…since I was a kid. I remember in 6th grade painting my Payless sneakers with silver paint and calling myself “Future Man.” What the actual &*%! Re: Horror movies, I’m too scared to watch them often, so I don’t have a favorite. How about most disturbing? Human Centipede. Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: In the mid-80’s, the best costume I ever had was a Ghostbuster. I had the whole get-up including the Proton Pack. The Shining is the flick.
Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: I was rocking the Daniel Boone coonskin hat in 4th AND 5th grades. Can’t beat a classic Friday the 13th! Twisted Todd, WTPT: In elementary school, my stepdad put a prosthetic bullet hole wound on my forehead that was fairly convincing. And Evil Dead 2 is the BEST!!!! |
Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: I did a Halloween remote dressed as the “WABB Cheerleader” back when I was like 19. Thankfully, pictures no longer exist. Best horror flick is a close call because I’m a horror junkie, but it’s probably The Shining, followed closely by The Ring, The Exorcist, and the original Halloween. Sassy, WKXJ: I have two. One is that I dressed as a black person and I won an office competition, which is pretty funny because I was just in my regular clothes. Then, a couple years ago I dressed as “Netflix & Chill.” I wore a pure red shirt, I printed out the Neflix logo and pinned it on my shirt, and got a bag of ice…get it, Netflix and chill. I typically don’t like scary movies, but one that stands out is 13 Ghosts, because of its really creative concept. Valentine, WBHT: Lion-O from the Thundercats. For the flicks, I pick all of them, they’re all my favorites!
Jeff Hurley, WLAN: I don’t do horror movies. Jammer, WEZB: Carrie – couldn’t go to wakes or funerals for weeks. Max Volume, KOZZ: Premium Batman Costume in 4th grade. It fit perfect and it was totally the Adam West outfit! Favorite? I think The Hills Have Eyes or Texas Chainsaw Massacre were the two scariest movies ever! |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
If you could create the ideal Pop star for today and blend the best qualities of artists from any era, which artists would you draw from and why?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@fmqb.com or bburke@fmqb.com