Buster Satterfield, Q102: “Dead Sheeran!” 1: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. 2: Kit Kat.3: Sour Patch Kids.
Mark Adams, KYLD & KIOI: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; of course in formal 18th century regalia appropriate for the Viennese court. 1. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.2. Butterfinger. 3. Three Musketeers: Still awesome, despite the inaccurate label. For as we all know, D’Artagnan joined with Athos, Porthos, and Aramis to number FOUR musketeers. #YoureWelcome
Paul Kelly, WWAC: I dressed up as ZZ Top one year with a buddy of mine when I was 12. We even had the cool ZZ Top keychain from their music videos. Top 3 Halloween candies are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Kit Kats and Three Musketeers!
Orlando, WLLD: Rick Ross is always a round, brown treasure. Ladies are down for whatever, when The Boss is in the house. My Top 3 WERE Reese’s peanut butter cups, Nestle Crunch and Twix. Ugh…now I’m snacky! Lmao
Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: Bill Murray as his Caddyshack character. Three Musketeers, Reese’s peanut butter cup, and I’m the wierdo who likes candy corn.
Josh Wolff, WAEB: Shawn Mendes, because I’d like to be thin with great hair like him! Caramels (I could eat those all day long), Three Musketeers bar, and (it’s the wrong holiday) but I always like those conversation hearts.
Valentine, WBHT: If I was being a basic witch, I’d say MJ’s in his Thriller get up?! Best candy…Skittles, Gummy Bears, Kit-Kat. Want me to keep going?
Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: Tiger Woods with a 4-iron stuck in my neck. Candy Corn, Gummi Bears and dark chocolate Milky Way! All day!
Java Joel, WAKS: Frank Zappa or Lizzo. One of those. Top 3 Halloween candies? 1> Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkin – the chocolate to peanut butter ratio is on-point. Even more so than the peanut butter eggs at Easter. 2> Butterfinger. It’s the best DQ Blizzard too. 3> Kit Kats/Sour Patch Kids (tied)- The Sour Patch kids is my kid’s influence. Them things are good!
Beata Murphy, KIIS: Duh – Its Britney Bitch 😉 Almond joy, Reese, snickers.
Eliott King, Q102: That’s a tough one. I’ve already done some big names. Michael Jackson, Slash, Drake and MC Hammer Lol. As far ones I haven’t done yet I’d say Prince and if I ever get in shape I’d like to do a couples costume or Macho Man & Queen Elizabeth! My top 3, Reese’s Cups, Sour Patch Kids & money haha
Bartel, WKTU: Prince. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Twix and Twizzlers.
Matt Johnson, KSLZ: This year I would be a debate “mute” button. Reese’s peanut butter cup, Reese’s pieces, and Snickers. I’m a classic candy guy, play the hits!
JB King, KLUC: Easier the better: Bruce Springsteen: Jeans, white tee, red cap in back pocket. Magnum PI: shorts, Hawaiian shirt, Tigers cap. Snickers, Peanut M&Ms, Baby Ruths.
Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: Miami Vice era Don Johnson because I’m really aching to dress up in a white leisure suit with white shoes and a pink shirt! For me it’s always been: Reese’s peanut butter cup, Reese’s peanut butter cup, and Reese’s peanut butter cup!
Max Volume, KOZZ: Frank Zappa! Snickers, York Peppermint Patty and Hershey’s SpecialDark.
Jagger, WKSS: A couple of years ago my girlfriend and I dressed up as Han Solo and Princess Leia, so I guess we could do a repeat. Han is such a cool character. Reese’s peanut butter cup, Snickers bar, Kit Kat.
Erik Bradley, B96: Fave Halloween Candy: Reeses Peanut Butter cups, Milky Way, Twix.
Kobe, WZNE: Borat! Butterfinger, Peanut M&M’s, York Peppermint Patties.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: I dressed up as Shades from That Thing You Do a few years ago…some people actually figured it out. Favorite Halloween treats would be Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Dots (except the green ones), and Snickers.
Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: Tiger Woods with a 4-iron stuck in my neck. Candy Corn, Gummi Bears and dark chocolate Milky Way! All day!
Jeremy Rice, WBLI: Lindt, Ritter Sport, Toblerone.
Frankie V, KSSX/KHTS: I’d like to bust out the iconic Ricky Vaughn from Major League the movie costume! Favorite candy treats: 1) Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. 2) Peanut M&Ms. 3) Red Vines.
Rick Vaughn, KENZ: I would dress up as Rat Pack era Sinatra. Twix bar, Skittles, Twizzler red licorice.
Jana Sutter, WXXL: After seeing Saturday Night Live it would have to be Adele, she looked amazing! Snickers, Kit-Kat, Almond Joy.