October 28, 2022
What was your most memorable Halloween costume and what was one of the scariest moments of your life?
Matt Johnson, WPLW: I was 3 years-old and my aunt, who was 14 years-old was babysitting me and made me watch the Michael Jackson Thriller video and I was super-scared for years after that. Just hearing Vincent Price’s voice in the song would scare me. Drew Heyman, WHYI: Last year I was a doctor and walked around with these little fake blood packets for people to spray on me. Scariest, I was playing football with my Dad in a park when I was young and watched this little girl get struck by lightning. My Dad gave her CPR but later she would pass away.
Java Joel, WHBC: My most tasteless was Halloween 1997 – John Denver after his plane accident. I won’t go into details, but I’m sorry, John. I went as a douchebag in 2009 – a white trash bag with a spout for a hat and “Massengill” logo taped on front. Gotta give the Wifey credit for assembling that one. Most recently I was Sia – which consisted of a face covering blonde wig and fancy dress. Scariest moment of my life? Summer 1988. Had some weird-ass experiences after I was talking shit at a Ouija Board my sister and her friend were using. Strange, unexplainable “things”. Saving it for the book. Mike O’Donnell, WKRZ: Best costume was when I dressed up as one of the Ghostbusters back in the 80’s including the Proton Pack on my back. Scariest moment was very real. I was in a car accident and we got rear-ended when I was a kid and we were thrown across an intersection. The scariest moment I’ve ever had in my life. My entire family was in shock for about a half an hour after the crash. Toby Knapp, WASH: Tampa. I was a TO-B-GYN. At an event. Halloween Costume Contest. Glorious. Scariest moment? When the ER Doc, about five years ago, told me he couldn’t let me leave the ER. I was being moved to the ICU. “Why,” I asked. “I’m surprised you are still standing.” He then explained what the brain scans had revealed and added, “You could stroke out at any time.” Try hearing you could die. Literally die. At any second at any time and it should/could have happened at any time over the last three weeks of your life. Scary? Sobering? You have no idea. Lee Abrams, mediavisions: I don’t remember my costumes. But the scariest thing wasn’t on Halloween. It was in August flying to Houston and ATC sent me right into a thunderstorm. Now I know what a space reentry must feel like. |
Rick Vaughn, KENZ: Costume probably “Grilling Explosion.” You had to be there. Scariest moment of my life was the brakes going out in my truck with a camper in tow, and my family asleep in the back seat. Thankfully I made a corner, and the road went back uphill.
Valentine, WBHT: The Karate Kid. I was pretty young and I thought I was the coolest kid in the world. Most recently, anyone who looks like Jeffrey Dahmer scares me. After watching that Netflix special, anyone who has those glasses freaks me out. Jagger, KCHZ: I’m such a Star Wars fan, I was Hans Solo twice! Scariest was when I was growing up my friends pulled a prank on me and my buddy Kasper that scared the crap out of us. Let’s not go much further than that.
Jeff Hurley iHeartMedia: My family went as Bob’s Burgers. I dressed up as Bob, my wife was Linda, and the kids dressed up as cheeseburgers. That was our best, and only, group costume! Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: I hate Halloween. Never was a fan, even as a kid. Scariest moment was when I was taking my kid home for the first time and realizing I was responsible for a human life.
Kobe, WURV: As a kid I never dressed up because I was a Jehovah’s Witness, but as an adult it was when my wife and I dressed up as Kobe and Vanessa Bryant. My wife was the spitting image of Vanessa. Scariest moment was my last night in Rochester before I moved to Richmond. It was about a year ago and I was DJing at a bar and there were seven shots fired in the parking lot. Derrick Cole, WLAN: So me, a half Filipino and my wife, who’s named Katie… once dressed up as Jon and Kate with 8 tiny dolls strapped to our chest. As Jon and Kate +8 during a Halloween Party, which Jon Gosselin was DJing. This could have went two ways, but luckily he was super cool and laughed at it. |
Fish, WKRZ: The Heath Ledger Joker. I looked just like him because I have longer hair. Scariest was when I was real young watching this Freddy Krueger show on HBO and it was very graphic. There’s was an episode where a guy was running a race and at the finish line was barbwire and he was decapitated. That freaked me out a little bit. Adam Rivers, WKCI: Halloween costume: Bill Belichick. Scariest moments of my life: Seeing the Patriots play Philly in Philly. My friends and I were in college, we went and repped the Patriots hard just a couple years after beating them in the Super Bowl. We almost died. Bob Patrick, WXLK: Gene Simmons in kindergarten with blood capsules. I was coming home from a graduation party with a friend and our pick-up truck steering went and we flipped over. Jana Sutter, WXXL: I’m not into the dress-up thing when it comes to Halloween. Scariest, whenever you’re asked to sit in a board room with your boss and another supervisor. I now know what it means, but I didn’t when I first started out. Guy Zapoleon, Zapoleon Consulting: Dressed in black as Dieter from SNL with Sharon LePere who was dressed as a spider as my companion. Scariest was when I was had just graduated high school and I was on the Ventura Fwy with my friend Jeff Prescott. As I was half a mile from our offramp a man in a pickup truck pulled on the Fwy from a dead stop right in front of us. I slammed on my brakes and we went down an embankment several hundred feet. Luckily back then Los Angeles County had ice plants all down the embankment which broke our fall and saved our lives, which wouldn’t be the case today. It was the end of the Maverick I won from KHJ, but thank you God for saving our lives! Heather Deluca, WSJO: 2019 I went as a crazy cat lady with rollers in my hair and stuffed animal cats pinned to my bathrobe. So cozy and fun lol. The scariest moment ever was when I hydroplaned on a major roadway and felt my car lift off the road. I thought that I was IT was somehow avoided an accident. |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
Election time often presents hard choices in life, what are some hard choices you’ve encountered in life?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com