October 25, 2019
Given the influence of Instagram and TikTok in Pop culture today, do you think a drop or mention by an influencer on either of these platforms is an effective way to increase your brand’s relevance digitally?
Matt Johnson, KSLZ: We are the keepers of the brand and I think we have to be agnostic to the platforms where our brand gets exposed, whether it’s a transmitter, website, or via social media. I also think you have to fish where the fish are, and I have two teenage kids and those are the two places they live. So if you want to be part of their lives you have to go find them. It’s important for radio’s future.
Dave Dyer, Warner Records: No. That’s last year’s thinking. “Influencer Programs” are low brow marketing. We can do better. There are so many creators on TikTok right now, we should be inspired by them to create our own content with them as our muse. Kevin Kash, WWEG: Absolutely. Both of those social media platforms are a great way to reach our younger audience. Max Volume, KOZZ: It depends on your product and the influencer. |
Jammer, WEZB: I think it’s a positive and we’ll be moving in that direction the future.
Buzz Knight, Beasley Media Group: The more opportunities for our brands to be present on platforms that our audience utilizes the better chance for us to remain top of mind and relevant in a very noisy world. Toby Knapp, WASH: I think the way to increase your brand’s relevance digitally… is to be compellingly relevant. No one else can do it for you. Jeff Hurley, WLAN: I haven’t seen the correlation that they drive hits. I don’t think radio is best served by being all about viral. As viral as it can go on TikTok, it’s still a small percentage, and you have to be cautious because we’re playing the mass appeal game. TikTok is a great first step for a record and as an early indicator, but you don’t need to necessarily keep pace with it. We still live in a world where we need 12-14 weeks of solid airplay to get callout results. Rick Vaughn, KENZ: I use TikTok for music and trend sourcing regularly.
Todd Shannon, WAPE: It really depends on the context of the post. If the message is delivered in a genuine and authentic way, it can be HUGE. Jagger, WKSS/WKCI: 110% YES! Those platforms are a great way to connect with the younger-end of the audience. It’s where they’re at. Bob Patrick, WXLK: I would love to get a Post Malone or Lizzo or any of today’s hottest artists to mention anything that pertains to K92.
Sassy, WKXJ: Yes, I think both are very effective. I had this idea going back to Vine (pre-Instagram). I was doing nights in Wichita, and I thought it would be a good idea to increase our web traffic if I interviewed a couple Viners. I interviewed Logan Paul, who is huge now, and we got a ton of hits from his fans. Other interviews gave us the same results. TikTok is also very effective and I use it to look at music trends and you can see songs that are very popular well before radio sees them. |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
In honor of Halloween, what’s the most memorable costume (at any age) you’ve worn, and what is your favorite horror flick of all-time?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@fmqb.com or bburke@fmqb.com