October 15, 2021

What’s one of the most significant decisions you’ve made in the past year?

Mike O’Donnell, WKRZ: Focusing more time on my health. For those of us who are very career-driven, we can’t forget about the things that are personally most important, and health is certainly one of them.

Jagger, KCHZ: Moving to Kansas City, and I’m really happy to be here working with a great group of people that I love working with.

R Dub, Z90: Bought some land and will be succeeding from the USA. See slowjamastan.org for citizenship opportunities and more info.

Mike McVay, McVay Media: To sell my condo in Atlanta and move full-time back to Northeast Ohio to be closer to family.

Lee Abrams mediavisions: To pull the trigger on projects that I’ve been thinking about for many years.

Fish, WKRZ: Building a house.

Randi West, WRMF: I’ve made no major decisions.  I mean because Covid bruh!


Max Volume, KOZZ: To watch Bugs Bunny at 7am on MeTV, instead of the Today Show!

Adam Rivers, WKCI: I got engaged and couldn’t be happier about it!

Jeff Hurley, iHeartMedia: Bought a house, right in the middle of the craziest housing market ever.  We decided it was the PERFECT time to move ten miles across town.   After six months of shopping and touring 24 different houses, we finally found the perfect one. The decision paid off wonderfully, but seems crazy when you look back at it.


Matt “MJ” Johnson, WPLW: Moving to Raleigh was the biggest decision of the past year, and so far so good. I’m really happy both personally and professionally.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Giving up our NYC apartment and moving to our house in upstate New York, only 100 miles away but a completely different world!

Java Joel, WHBC: Deciding not to uproot from Northeast Ohio!

Guy Zapoleon, Zapoleon Consulting: To enjoy life one day at a time and prioritize family and friends! It’s very, very tough to carve out that kind of time in a 24/7 business, but easier for me than nearly everyone else in our amazing business with me being semi-retired.

Buster Satterfield, WIOQ: To invest!

Bartel. WKTU: To really take some personal time to stop and reflect and be thankful for things.

Valentine, WBHT: Rededicating myself to a balanced life. Keep working hard, but also focus as much attention to my mental and physical health, and overall happiness.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: To reprioritize family time and work time and try to keep them separated.

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: To let my daughter drive! That was pretty significant.


Toby Knapp, WASH: To get back to a point pre-pandemic – and really, pre-brain surgery – to where I’m doing more to take care of me. From visiting places I’ve never been, to picking up golf clubs again for the first time in 18 years, I’m revisiting the things which bring me joy… because, yes, I want to do all I can for our team at iHR to be successful, but that starts with be being personally, mentally and physically, at a place where I am centered and at peace. I’m not there yet, but I’m on the way.

Bob Patrick, WXLK: Got engaged…!

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
Other than the format you’re in, what other radio formats intrigue you the most and why?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com