November 2, 2018
What are some traditional or non-traditional ways you keep morale high within your staff??
Kobi, WNRW/WLGX: Smoothie Fridays. It’s a ritual and it’s healthy. Mike McCoy, WNCI: I constantly engage my staff as often as possible every day and we’re not just talking about radio, we’re talking about a variety of things. Just trying to keep them engaged on a lot of different levels and make them feel like their input counts.
Matt Johnson, KSLZ: We’re not afraid to blow off steam occasionally. We take the competition part very seriously, but we also bring some levity to the building and some balance to the culture. It really promotes staff cohesiveness. Derrick “DC” Cole, WAEB: Surprisingly my personality seems to work great. I’m a very animated and overall positive person, and I’ve noticed it has helped in most of my career. Also treating people to food goes a long way.
Kobe, WWHT: In my first PD gig when we were a sign-on, the first time we beat our heritage competitor, we raised a banner in the studio which was very cool. I also try and give holiday gifts yearly; and on a more frequent basis, when someone has a win or goes above and beyond, I’ll treat them to lunch or dinner. Essentially my goal is to constantly be engaged with the staff and constantly give positive recognition when the circumstance calls for it. |
Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: The simple answer is basically the Golden Rule. Treat others as you wish to be treated. But we try to do fun staff outings as much as we can, and I’m not above wearing a onesie to get a laugh in a staff meeting.
Randi West, WMTX: Morale isn’t team building events in my opinion. Keeping the staff happy and engaged happens every day when the staffer needs it. For example, in the past, I’ve called employees in who I know have been working nonstop and seem to be getting fried for a ‘meeting’ only to tell them I have everything covered for them and to ‘enjoy the day off.’ Most employees are stunned by this. It lets them know I understand the extra hard work they’ve been putting in and it’s appreciated. Helps prevent burnout as well which seems to be a bigger problem these days as we all have more things to do.
Buster, WFLZ: Team building events and activities where everyone is encouraged to participate. Competition always brings out the best in everyone. Fish Boy, WKRZ: I deal in a more traditional way and handle each member separately, with a good one to one feedback and collaboration about goals. I always want to create a constructive atmosphere. |
Valentine, WBHT: Openness and transparency. Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: Free beer Friday!
Brian Mack, WXXL: I’m still searching for this!
Gina Gray, WERO: I try to foster a positive and productive atmosphere by telling my staff not to overthink things…and we laugh, a lot! I tell them it’s not brain surgery, it’s just radio, have fun. Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Food and alcohol. Kevin Kash, WWEG: A leader reads the room and leads by example. Positive environments can thrive. Emily Wild, WLKK: When I worked for WPXY in Rochester a few times our Program Director Mike Danger orchestrated nights out with the on-air staff where we either went bar hopping to meet listeners, a staff NHL game or attended a sister market station’s radio show in a limo all together. It was a lot of fun to spend that kind of time all together. I miss that. |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
How would you rate the music cycle this year, where it’s currently at, and where you would like to see it head going forward?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@fmqb.com or bburke@fmqb.com