May 17, 2019
What is your favorite famous quote of all-time?
Matt Johnson, KSLZ: “They are who we thought they were,” Dennis Green (R.I.P.) when he was the head coach of the Arizona Cardinals. That pretty much sums up marketing in one sentence. Be who they think you are, I love it! If you can grasp that concept you could get a lot done. Otis Day, WIXX: “You can get what you want or you can just get old” – Billy Joel
Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: “You can pick your friends…and you can pick your nose…but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.” Heather Deluca, WSJO: Besides ‘leave the gun, take the cannoli’, lol? I’d say ‘Well-behaved women rarely make history’. –Eleanor Roosevelt. Kobe, WWHT: “Ego kills talent.”
Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: “Say what you mean, mean what you say.” Sassy, WKXJ: “Where the cookies and sh*t?” From Bernie Mac in the Kings of Comedy.
Matt Talluto, WBYR: Kaye: “You know how naive you sound, Michael? Senators and Presidents don’t have men killed.” Michael Corleone: “Who’s being naive Kaye?”
Justin Chase, Beasley Media Group: “Creativity is intelligence having fun,” Albert Einstein.
Bob Patrick, WXLK: It’s a 3-way tie: “Win.” – Adrian Balboa. “Wooooooooooooooooo!” – Ric Flair. “World f*ckin’ Champions!” – Chase Utley. Chris K, The End: “Juuust a bit outside,” Bob Uecker from Major League. I literally still use it every game I go to at least once! Rick Vaughn, KENZ: “Whether you believe that you will win or you will lose, you are correct,” Henry Ford.
Jagger, WKSS/WKCI: “I feel the need for speed!” Maverick and Goose from Top Gun. Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking,” Steve Jobs.
Derrick “DC” Cole, WAEB/WZZO: “Just Bring it!” – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson! It’s perfect for any situation. New radio competition in market? Just bring it! Your PD is hot lining you? Just bring it! Pat Martin, WIYY: “If what you’re saying is true, then…I still don’t care.” – Dave Nelson, NewsRadio Terri Ray, WKLT/WKLZ: “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.” Shadow, KQRA: “I don’t want to sound like a queer or nothing but I think Depeche Mode is a sweet band.” – Orgazmo Laura Lee, WRMR: “”You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky” – Michael Scott, The Office. |
Valentine, WBHT: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution,” Albert Einstein. Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: “Today, be the person who you needed when you were younger.”
Mel Rose, WKSL: If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough,” Roger Alan Wade. I have it tattooed on my shins. Heard it in Jackass: The Movie! Fish, WKRZ: “I think we just woke the sleeping giant!” What the Japanese said in WWII after they bombed Pearl Harbor.
Buster, WFLZ: Do you want be right or do you want to get paid! Randi West, WMTX: It’s not mine, but one that I love that a record person said to me once. “This record will melt your face off!” The greatest. I think I burst out laughing, but strangely I think I did play the record.
Todd Lyons, KATS: “A true friend stabs you in the front.” – Oscar Wilde. “People who think baseball is boring, bore me.” – Larry King. “Baseball is like church. Many attend, few understand.” – Wes Westrum. “Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a yacht that’ll pull right up next to it.” – David Lee Roth Twisted Todd, WTPT: “I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me.” – Rorschach, Watchmen. |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
If you could skywrite a message in the sky, who would it go to and what would it say?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@fmqb.com or bburke@fmqb.com