March 5, 2020
With Spring around the corner, what lifestyle changes are you more likely to transition to and look forward to when Spring is in the air?
Drew Heyman, Y100: Just to get out there and drive the windows down blasting all the fun new music and have fun! Jagger, WKSS: I took off some weight over the past couple months so I’m looking forward to exercising more and getting to the gym more, and certainly looking forward to the better weather.
Kobe, @kobeontheradio: Spending more time outdoors and not having the heat on eight months a year. Heather Deluca, WSJO: Unquestionably just taking more walks outside. Breathing in some fresh air.
Chris Michaels, FM100:Getting outside more and walking my dog! I’m also one of those people that actually enjoys doing yard work. It’s good exercise for me!
Toby Knapp, WASH: I really need to spend more time hiking / climbing / outdoors… so my goal this Spring is to ramp that up! Bob Patrick, WXLK: Trying not to convince myself that pulling up weeds for 10 minutes is just as good as going to the gym. Rick Vaughn, KENZ: Trail running, hiking, fishing, all that good outdoor stuff. I’ll also continue to be a ski instructor on weekends and look forward to Spring skiing right to the very end of the season.
Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: Golf, that’s it. Golf…maybe this year I’ll actually improve. Probably not, but whatever. Chuck Damico, WMMR/WBEN: Crocs |
Josh Wolff, WAEB: With warmer weather on the horizon, I’m looking forward to spending more time outdoors and less time tracking salt in my house.
Jordan, KSLZ: More exercise! Running & cycling. Todd Shannon, WAPE: More walks with one of my three dogs at night. Valentine, WBHT: A lot less TV and binging, and a lot more outside hiking. Sue O’Neil, WKSE: Gardening!!! Max Volume, KOZZ: Two words: go outside. |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
How much margin of error exists to recreate radio in a sense, and not stray too far left of learned “best practices?”
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com