June 26, 2020
If you could rewrite one traditional radio rule for this generation of listeners, which rule would that be?
R Dub! Z90: “Shut up and play the music.” I think most good stations and programmers have already re-written this rule. Today, our content and personalities are the ONLY things we own.
Jeff Hurley, iHeartMedia: That 1% of your audience plays contests. It’s true that 1% of your audience actively participates by calling in, but a huge percentage of your audience ‘plays along’ with the contest while it’s happening on the air. That’s why “caller 9” contests suck. Make contests into a fun listening experience that everyone can play along with while they’re driving to work. Every contest should be created so the 99% of your audience who isn’t calling still enjoys listening. Brian Mack, WXXL: We’re running a lot of controlled experiments right now that are ongoing works in progress. But I am rethinking everything.
Java Joel, WAKS: Everything other song doesn’t have to be a recurrent or gold. |
Bob Patrick, WXLK: That all ages can be on the radio from 5 to 90 years old as long as it’s compelling and fun!
Jammer, WEZB: That they do nothing else but listen to the radio or listen on their RADIO.com app. Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: We need to push very hard to integrate ourselves into all the digital platforms they use and bring them back to the station. I also think the medium should consider advertising on streaming services when promoting big station events. They know who we are and when we’re presenting an event that they’d be attracted to, it gives us the opportunity to engage them more. We need to expand the scope of how we promote our events into their lifestyles more. Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Hitting the post is much less important than making an emotional connection.
Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: “Hitting the post” … listeners don’t care! Max Volume, KOZZ: Pick a team, and stick with it. Bouncing around the dial these days will inundate you with hearing the same songs all day. With so much sharing of titles, the playlists of stations are very similar. |
Jagger, WKSS: Pay attention more to the listeners when making music decisions. Engage all of the listener-driven platforms like TIKTOK, Shazam, etc. The bottom line is making the decisions that are right for your radio station on a consistent basis so listeners are accustomed to relying on you as a main source of music discovery. Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: Shut up and play the music.
Kobe, @kobeontheradio: I think we need to rethink the whole “format” discussion. What even is a format anymore? Do our listeners care what format plays what song? Probably not. Sophia John, KIWR: Don’t message a radio station on social media on how to win something when you don’t have a radio. |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
Given the official start of summer recently, what are some of your favorite summer songs of all-time?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com