July 12, 2019
What motivates you the most about your job?
Jammer, WEZB: Talking to Bob Burke every week. Sara Cucci, WBBO: Positive feedback from listeners. Being a Top 40 station you always hear the same complaints “if I hear that song one more time…” or unhappy prize winners (I know that should be an oxymoron!) so it definitely motivates me to keep on keepin’ on when I hear things like “who picks the music? That song is so good!” Or “my daughter and I had the best time at this show thanks so much!”
Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: The ability to affect Pop culture with what we say and do every single day…Also a debilitating fear of failure. Chris K, The End: I love that I get to make people smile every day, and get to touch so many people and try to make their day just a little better…and it doesn’t hurt to get to listen to some good music along the way. Matt Johnson, KSLZ: That unmistakable feeling when you are making a positive difference in a listener’s life.
Derrick “DC” Cole, iHeartMedia: I think having a baby motivates me to have a job, diapers aren’t cheap and this dude goes through a bunch in one day! Like father, like son, I guess. Sassy, WKXJ: Knowing that upcoming women in the business tell me that they see me as an inspiration, because women, especially black women in Pop is not a common occurrence. It’s always very cool when I hear that.
Mase, CD1025: Keeping it! Sue O’Neil. WKSE: I really like everything I do! |
Toby Knapp, WASH: The challenge of living the dream, while dreaming new dreams… knowing that if those dreams come to pass… we will have done something truly groundbreaking and new… again. It’s exhilarating, exhausting, challenging, demanding, frustrating… and intoxicating… and it’s chasing, for me, what really is the greatest “high” a radio geek can have!
Java Joel, WAKS: I’ve wanted to do this since I was six. I have no plan B. This is all I know. If this doesn’t work out… I’m screwed. Jonathan Reed, WNOK: Just the love for my career. Rick Vaughn, KENZ: That people wake up every day and give us the opportunity to entertain them. That’s the most important thing, and what we need to prioritize the most. Bob Patrick, WXLK: Remote money! #truth
Fish, WKRZ: It’s really simple. It’s about playing the music for our listeners and experiencing their reaction, and then interacting and engaging them about the hot new songs.
Randi West, WMTX: Creativity! Chris Michaels, FM100: Creating fun radio and promotions motivates me. Anytime we can create that emotional connection with the listener, I love it!
Max Volume, KOZZ: To be the best. |
Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: Hands down, this is easy…helping motivated, dedicated and talented people grow in this business and shoot for the stars. There is nothing better than watching (and occasionally assisting) PDs and air talent achieve their goals. Todd Shannon, WAPE: I love working with and mentoring the next generation of programmers. I’m currently working with a number of young people in the building and I thoroughly enjoy doing that.
Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: The daily creative challenge! Brian Mack, WXXL: Teamwork…what’s left of our team at least.
Jagger, WKSS/WKCI: I love doing the best job that I can and being able to make an imprint in the industry as much as I can and hopefully in a very positive. I’m proud of the work that I do. Kevin Kash, WIYY: It’s still fun, entertaining and connecting with people, working with music, oh, and it pays the bills.
Matt Talluto, WBYR: All the free the food coupons! Who needs an actual salary for a mortgage payment when you have all the #1 combo meals you can stand!?!?! |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What would your perfect summer vacation entail, and what is your favorite summer movie of all-time?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@fmqb.com or bburke@fmqb.com