July 10, 2020
What are you doing in a programming/promotional sense to compensate for the loss of ongoing concert generating promotions and the restrictions on local events in general?
Jammer, WEZB: We are continuing our “97 Days of a No Bummer Summer” We are giving away these ice chests that we turned into cool Boom boxes. Brian Mack, WXXL: Getting even more local! People get excited over gift cards when you’re home 24-7, jobless.
Josh Wolff, WAEB: We’re working with partners for contest and promo opportunities that are more relevant to the needs of our listeners. One of the cool things we’re doing is giving away Chrome Books for back-to-school, going over really well. Jagger, WKSS: We just did our Spring book promotion, The Match Game, which was awesome. Great response. The prizes were geared more to necessity items like air fryers, Yeti coolers, iPads, Apple watches and items like that. Kobe, @kobeontheradio: I think offering unique content in lieu of the absence of these events is one way. Challenge yourself to do new things that we haven’t seen the Top 40 format do traditionally. Specialty programming may be every weekend instead of one weekend, artist blocks, live versions of hits from core artists, and other ways to have fun with the music and create a sense that by playing these songs it’s almost like an event in itself. |
Orlando, WLLD: We don’t because we can’t. Without event and promotion staff, its on the air or it doesn’t exist. Very tough time.
Java Joel, WAKS: We’ve been doing our Instagram Live feature, #SocialKisstance since March – Tuesdays at 2pm. Artist interview and performances. Also did a Kiss FM “virtual” Prom Party. Cooking shows on Instagram with local client. PLUS – themed weekends thru the summer. Hoping for some big artist “listener experiences” as well. Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: Since 90% of what we do promotionally is show-related, including local venues and in Philly, Hersey and Allentown, we’re focusing more on content and smaller promotions. Like our recent photo contest on our site just to get people interacting with the station. We’re doing gift cards to grocery stores, but we’re not able to blowout concert tickets throughout the day so we’re trying to get as creative as possible. It’s a constant work-in-progress.
Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: We’re keeping the majority of our existing events and making them virtual, including the iHeartRadio Music Festival and the iHeartCountry Festival. Plus, we’ve launched other artist-related events including the iHeart Living Room Concert Series, iHeartRadio’s Virtual Performances, the iHeartCountry July 4th BBQ, Can’t Cancel Pride, iHeart’s Summer Camp With the Stars and others. |
Randi West, WRMF: We are really focusing on fun social distancing activities and staycations. Right now, people have been on lockdown and are itching to have anything to do! Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: Virtual concerts using live audio from previously recorded shows!
Matt Johnson, KSLZ: More content that emotionally resonates our audience…we’re talking about REAL stuff here. We’re also giving away gift cards for necessity items and the listeners love it. Max Volume, KOZZ: All of our contests are either station website based or text club contests. Musically, we’re just having fun with themes and special shows. Kevin Kash, WWEG: Giving away a very cool gas grill and accessories along with a huge grocery store gift card so someone can have a big summer BBQ. |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
Other than TikTok and other social media platforms, what traditional radio formats do you feel influence Top 40 (and you) the most when searching for cross-over prospects?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com