January 8, 2021

What are your New Year’s resolutions both personally and professionally for 2021?

Brian Mack, WXXL: My personal goal is to remember and be grateful for all of the amazing things that are part of my life, and not allow my mind to take so much control over my perspective. My profession goal is to help both iHeart and its talents understand the power behind building audience and revenue via social media.

Buster Satterfield, Q102: Like Corona beer, “I’m trying to find my beach!” and just enjoy life everyday.

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: Eat less garbage! Do a more consistent job of air checking my people regularly with all of us apart.

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: Personally, it’s my 20th wedding anniversary and we never had an official honeymoon, so we’re going to do that honeymoon we’ve always been talking about. Professionally is to continue to do my best to keep our stations tight, compelling and winning in the ratings. It’s one of the most important things I do in my professional life, when you see your report card come back and it looks good.

Drew Heyman, Y100: Get back to doing radio live…LIVE… and expand the brand.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Personally, to lock in time for the Peloton daily. Professionally to expand the Marc Chase fan club beyond close friends and family.

Kobe, WZNE: Professionally to keep moving forward and learning more and becoming a better programmer and leader every day, and personally to make 2021 a lot better than 2020.

Jagger: To launch the next chapter of my career!

Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: Bury our competitors!

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: My goal for 2021 is to find a better work/life balance.

Joey Brooks, WKSS: I’ve been working on getting in the best shape and as healthy as possible. I’ve been doing Taekwondo with my daughter for two years now and will be getting my black belt in 2021 which will feel good after a lot of work! My goal professionally is to raise as much money as possible to help the community and those in need. We were able to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in 2020 and I believe there will be a bigger need this year as the pandemic continues. We’re going all-in to help our listeners this year!

Jeff Hurley, iHeartMedia: I want to maintain the positive changes I was forced to make because of the pandemic. Spending quality time with my family, exercising regularly and finding a better balance between work and home.

Josh Wolff, WAEB: Personally, I’d like to lose the quarantine-fifteen I gained, and professionally to keep all of our stations succeeding at a high level.

Jana Sutter, WXXL: My personal resolution for 2021 is to continue making my physical and mental health a priority. My professional resolution for is to expand my online content and continue to weave between on-air and socials. I’d also love to dive in more on my VO work. Happy 2021 to all!

Java Joel, Javajoelmurphy@gmail.com: Pandemic wreaked havoc on my diet. Back on track now though! Professionally? Well… I’m not working at the moment, so… eventually a job. Not looking to uproot my family here in Cleveland, but… Meantime, Check out my LinkedIn!

Joe Breezy, WNFN: Personally: To spend more time connecting with friends and family that I haven’t talked to in a while. I think we’ve all learned about the importance of surrounding yourself with great people and great energy, so just doing my best to channel that into 2021! Professionally: To break the tie 18-34 Persons and move right into the #1 spot!

Bob Patrick, WXLK: Personally, to be the best fiance I can be. Professionally, replace finace with DJ.

Erik Bradley, B96: To ride my bike more.

Randi West, WRMF: I never do resolutions. I find a focus word: My focus word for 2021 is DOMINANTE…both personally and professionally!

Mike McVay, McVay Media: Professionally is to continue to expand into more international markets, personally to find more time to enjoy my grandchildren.

Lee Abrams, mediavisions: Maintain an energetic, spiritual and positive forward-focus to achieve what was started in 2020…that got a bit short-circuited by that insane year.

Jammer, WEZB: To stay COVID-free!



Heather Deluca, WSJO: Personally, just to hold myself more accountable for health and fitness. Small changes that will last and make a difference over time. Professionally, to grow my skill set as a broadcaster and programmer, and continue stretching myself creatively.


Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What are your bold predictions (in any area of life, sports, and/or our industry) for 2021?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com