January 24, 2020
It’s Oscar season, what are your top 3 movies of all-time, and who is your favorite actor of all-time?
Jonathan Reed, WNOK: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Boogie Knights, Goodfellas. Not my favorite actor but has Don Cheadle ever been involved with a bad project.
Jammer, WEZB: Air Force One, The Irishman, and Rocky. Sylvester Stallone. Valentine, WBHT: Goonies, Superman, and INSERT any super-hero movie here. Robert Downey, Jr.
Jagger, WKSS: Empire Strikes Back, Titanic, Raiders of the Lost Ark. Have to go with Tom Cruise. Rob Roberts, Cox Media Group: Almost Famous, Caddyshack, Field of Dreams. Bill Murray.
Skywalker, WSPK: A Few Good Men. Ghostbusters, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Tom Hanks.
Bob Patrick, WXLK: Rocky, Star Wars, Caddyshack. Tom Hanks (with honorable man crush mention to Mark Wahlberg) Heather Deluca, WSJO: My tastes are ALL OVER THE PLACE. Gone with the Wind, Xanadu, and The Hangover. Don’t judge, lol. But my favorite actor of all-time is Tom Hanks, hands down. “WILSON!” Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: Field of Dreams, The Shining, As Good As It Gets. Jack Nicholson. Paul Kelly, WWAC: These are not of the Oscar variety but they’re my faves! Caddyshack, John Carpenter’s Halloween, National Lampoon’s Vacation. Chevy Chase.
Josh Wolff, WAEB: I like any movies that make me laugh. As of late, since Pittsburgh is my hometown, I’ve really enjoyed the Mr. Rogers movies over the past couple of years, and to that end I’m a big Tom Hanks fan. |
Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: The Exorcist, Field of Dreams, The Shawshank Redemption. I don’t really have a favorite actor, but my least favorite is Nicholas Cage.
Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia:Top 3: Stripes, A Few Good Men, Braveheart, and GI Jane, Demi Moore still favorite of all time.
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What did you think of the Grammy’s in general, and what were your performance highlights?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com