January 17, 2020

If you could brand radio as a complementary partner with any new products (tech or otherwise), which co-branding partners would be good matches and why?

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: iHeartRadio already does a great job integrating with new technology like the connected car, smart speakers, etc. Maybe workout equipment? Like a Peloton bike that you can program to automatically play your favorite station while you’re on it?

Java Joel, WAKS: Uber and Lyft – All those cars have radios!

Heather Deluca, WSJO: I think it would be fun to issue challenges to listeners using TikTok.

Buzz Knight, Buzz Knight Media: Any that can be complimentary to us and create win-win value for both parties. Ride sharing services could be a great fit considering the importance of in-car listening and engagement. Google and Amazon as well would be tremendous considering their impact on smart speakers and the world of voice.

Bob Patrick, WXLK: TikTok… it seems to a thing right now!

R Dub! Z90: Phones!!

Matt Johnson, KSLZ: The inevitable driverless car revolution seems like something we’re going to have to figure out as an industry.

Bartel, WKTU: All the major sports teams. Expand the brand beyond just music.


Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: I would do a deeper deal with Amazon and Google on smart speakers and REALLY exploit the opportunity. As an industry, we’ve only touched the surface as to what’s possible with the technology.

Kobe, Free Agent: I think creating a synergy between radio and apps like TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and more. If we could find more ways to incorporate listening as a partner to any social media app where it’s organic to use one with the other, that would be a win.

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: I would co-brand with anything having to do with home technology and auto dealers.

Eliott King, Q102: Beats – headphones  / speakers. It just makes sense for an audio medium.



Brian Mack, WXXL: Spotify. We can help each other. They help deliver teens and we help expose the 35+ world.

Sassy, WKXJ: First and foremost, radio.com, an excellent partner for extending our brand awareness and accessibility. TikTok, Apple Music, any tech platforms that involve music or Pop culture discovery and influence.

Toby Knapp, WASH: In a perfect world, all radio stations should be streamed globally on Apple Music.

Josh Wolff, WAEB: Today there’s nothing hotter than TikTok, so that would be a good look for radio. It’s all about engaging our audience with partners that have a symbiosis with that same audience as we enhance our brand’s image.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
It’s Oscar season, what are your top 3 movies of all-time, and who is your favorite actor of all-time?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com