January 15, 2021

What are your bold predictions (in any area of life, sports, and/or our industry) for 2021?

Jimmy Steal, WTMX: A renewed genuine appreciation for the “new” normal, along with the hope of it quickly arriving!


Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: Concerts will be back by fall of 2021, Trump will get arrested, and the Packers will win the Super Bowl.

Valentine, WBHT: Once this dust settles (and it may take half the year), I feel there’s going to be this renewed energy as everyone starts to return to normal lives. I think we’ll all feed off this and gather creative energy with great music and great radio bits. It’s like that feeling you get on that first sunny day after a week of rain.

R Dub! Z90: With vaccine, travel industry comes back stronger than ever!

Rich Davis, KDWB: I think there’s hope on the horizon. We all need hope in our lives and hold onto to the thought that there are definitely better days ahead.

Buzz Knight, Buzz Knight Media: A good night’s sleep by February 1 or sooner!

Java Joel, Javajoelmurphy@gmail.com: Vaccines and jobs for all. Oh and maybe Rihanna will take a break from her dopey beauty line and finally make a record.

Todd Lyons, KATS: Your 2021 World Series Champions… the SEATTLE MARINERS! (Hey, a guy can dream still, can’t he?!?!)

Josh Wolff, WAEB: After last year, I’m out of the prediction business.

Buster Satterfield, Q102: I got $100 on the Cleveland Browns!


Bartel, WKTU: Wipe out the virus totally and get things back to normal.

Adam Rivers, WKCI: Cleveland Browns win the Super Bowl.

Joey Brooks, WKSS: I think we’re going to have another year of uncertainty.


Rick Vaughn, KENZ: The Bills win the Super Bowl!

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: My bold wish is that I’m hoping we’re going to return back to regular life by mid-summer. I hope to be sitting beside someone at an amphitheater by then.

Toby Knapp, WASH: Life begins to return to normal this Spring. Live music returns in time for late Summer/Fall. The further  consolidation of radio and records will continue into the new year, but I believe, because of the pandemic, we may see the rise and return of the word “local,” especially if the migration out of cities continues.

Kobe, WZNE: I think after a rough start to 2021, we’ll hopefully find common ground and come together. This pertains to our industry and society.

Joe Breezy, WNFN: With a vaccine in play just to get back to some normalcy. If the Browns and the Bills can make the playoffs, and win, then I’m optimistic about 2021.

Jana Sutter, WXXL: That we’ll be back enjoying live music this year!

Chris Michaels, FM100: I predict that we will see a live show again in 2021. HAHA! I certainly hope we do! We could all use that in our life again!

Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: After the year we just had, I’m not going to try to predict anything! Because 2020 has proven that’s a fool’s game.

Lee Abrams, mediavisions: It’s nearly impossible to predict anything in this crazy era…but here goes. The transition to Biden will be chaotic and dangerous. Local radio will become far more regionally and nationally originated with the exception of the larger markets. Baseball will return with limited mask-on seating and a return to the league breakdown of last season. Live music will see a limited return early next winter.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What are some of your favorite quotes and/or phrases of all-time?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com