January 14, 2019

What are your professional and/or personal goals for 2019?

Java Joel, WAKS: I wanna lose 20 more pounds and add at least 2 shares to my 18-34s. Is that too much to ask???


Kobi, WNRW/WLGX: Getting healthier mentally, physically and financially! Plus starting a podcast.

Buster, WFLZ: To get verified on social media. No more Drive-Thru for a year.

Derrick “DC” Cole, WAEB: Professional is to grow and continue learning. I always like to challenge myself every year to do that, it’s important. Personally, my goal is to not mess up my baby I had a few weeks ago, that should be easy, right?

Brian Mack, WXXL: Professional, to win P18-34 & P25-54 however! Personal goals: financial control, no more debt or interest.


Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Personally to celebrate 30 years of marriage to Patty with planned and impromptu trips every month. Professionally to attempt to disengage from the real world while on those trips.

Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: I can only say that it involves making radio great again… that’s as specific as I can get.

Chuck Damico, WMMR/WBEN: Enjoy and appreciate my good fortune. Simplify. Play more.

Mike Miller, WZFT: Professionally; not to get fired. Personally, not to lose my mind if I get fired.

Mike McVay, Cumulus Media: Professional, to work to stem the erosion of Persons Using Radio by improving the listening experience. Personal, to work out a minimum of six days a week and shed the extra 10 lbs. I’ve been carrying for the last two years.

Kobe, WWHT: To keep my station successful and to grow as a person.

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: Professionally, freshen up the creative juices and pull together some new events/contests/community to heighten our brand profile in 2019. Personally, lose 50 lbs and impress the wife!

Brian Michel, iHeartMedia / Atlanta: Personally, I’d like to be a point per game player in my adult hockey league.

Rob Roberts, WRQX: Don’t. Screw. It. Up.



Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: Professional and personal goals sort of overlap for me this year: to help grow people, careers and my kids any way I can. I better come up with some better advice soon to help make this happen, but that’s the plan.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: My personal goal is to have a little bit better work/life balance. Professionally, I would like to collaborate more with other programmers.

Matt Johnson, KSLZ: More diet soda, less worrying.

Jammer, WEZB: To be #1 in all aspects of work and life.

Toby Knapp, WASH: Professional – To keep growing – and to continue to help those who trust me with their brands day in and day out… to win.
Personal – To continue to believe in myself as I evolve… and to try to be the best dad, co-parent and friend that I can be to those in my life, especially Kyla.

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: I’m not going to know my professional goals until Nielsen figures out how many panelists we have at the end of January.

Chris Michaels, FM100: A personal goal in 2019 is to take a family trip to a place that we’ve never been before.

Kevin Kash, WIYY: Personal – to strive to be the best husband and father that I can be. Professional – to put myself in a position and place that allows me to take care of them.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What’s the strongest message radio can send to the next gen of programming
and air talent to attract them to our business?

e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@fmqb.com or bburke@fmqb.com