January 10, 2020

What are your hopes for the industry in the new year?

Jammer, WEZB: That everyone’s hopes and dreams will be achieved.


Joey Brooks, iHeartMedia:
Hoping for an even better music cycle with more BIG hits from our core artists.

Jagger, WKSS: That we keep finding new and inventive ways to increase our brands and keep getting stronger in multiple areas on multiple platforms.




Sassy, WKXJ: I’d like to see the industry more open-minded about what music should be programmed by Pop stations. Given all of the ways listeners are consuming music these days, we need to be more flexible when all the consumer data is pointing to songs and artists that traditionally may not be part of the standard Pop formula.

Paul Kelly, WWAC: My hope is that we collectively do a better job of telling radio’s story. Fight for our rightful share of the advertising dollar and continue to find ways to connect with listeners and consumers on a local level in ways only radio can.

Java Joel, WAKS: Hoping for big ratings, great events and WORLD DOMINATION! (or at least CLEVELAND domination!)


Valentine, WBHT: Reinforcing the fact that our biggest asset is being local, and my hopes are that we as an industry continue to grow the local attributes of our stations on all available consumer platforms. It’s more than just saying the city’s name on air, it’s contributing to the well being of our communities through our efforts. We need to more than say it…we need to be it.

Jeff Hurley, WLAN: I hope we devote the same amount of resources into talent development as we do to music research.

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: That we see the forest through the trees.


Kobe, WWHT: I hope that we further integrate video and other forms of media as ways to expand our brand’s reach.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: Innovation doesn’t mean automation.

Chris Michaels, FM100: I hope to see some core artists put out new music this year like Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake, Adele and Rihanna just to name a few.

Frankie V, KSSX: My hopes for the industry is that we continue to break records, grow new audience, and stay having fun in between the records! New year. Same goals.

Buster, WIOQ:  Success for my peers.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
If you could brand radio as a complementary partner with any new products (tech or otherwise), which co-branding partners would be good matches and why?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com