December 18, 2020
What are you looking forward to the most (and/or hoping for) in 2021?
Josh Wolff, WAEB: I’m looking forward to COVID being a memory. I’m also hoping for a strong economy in broadcasting and for the country in general. Mike McVay, McVay Media: The realization by the majority of Americans that we can all do much more to end social injustice, and that we need to be a kinder and more caring people. The distribution of the vaccine to be flawless. The return to what we once thought was a normal life. Touring by music artists. In-person radio conventions. The joy and love of family. Jana Sutter, WXXL: Travel and hugs! Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: An improved economic climate!
Rick Cummings Continued good health for family and friends. Lee Abrams mediavisions: Personally, I’m looking forward to advancing the projects I’m focused on, and culturally hoping for positive changes emerging from the ashes of 2020. Paul Kelly, WWAC: Getting back to normal! Shows, live events and gatherings in general. People out and about spending money so businesses feel good about advertising. For me, I miss live events with our listeners. Bob Patrick, WXLK: I really hope we can put this COVID sitch behind us and get back to some normalcy. I think that would do wonders for everyone. Java Joel, Javajoelmurphy@gmail.com: Vaccines, normalcy and happiness!
Kevin Kash, WWEG: Looking forward to better health in 2021. Hopefully, the end of Coronavirus. |
Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: I’m looking forward to being able to travel again (hopefully) and literally go anywhere!
Joey Brooks, WKSS: Concerts and LIVE events! Kobe WZNE: I’m looking forward to continuing to grow personally and professionally, and hoping we see our way through the mess of 2020. Jammer, WEZB: A vaccine that really works! Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Looking forward to the vaccine and hoping for herd immunity and a return to some sense of normalcy by the end of the year.
Buzz Knight, Buzz Knight Media: The thing I’m looking forward to the most is a banishment of the term “new normal.” R Dub! Z90: Travel!!! (Currently at 156/193). Drew Heyman, Y100: Ready to travel again… and of course, concerts!
Toby Knapp, WASH: For life to get back to “normal” in as much as it can be given the changes brought about by this COVID. Also, for our industry and economy to rebound so, God willing, we can live with less anxiety about things we can’t personally “control.” Finally, I hope that my friends and colleagues who are on furlough, or whom had their lives changed through layoffs or reductions-in-force, can get back to creating and doing what they love to do… which is the reason we’re on the radio to begin with, right? |
Randi West, WRMF: Unity in the world, less bickering and more prosperity!
Valentine, WBHT: Mostly looking forward to a return to pre-pandemic normalcy. Getting back to the things we enjoy the most in life where we’re out with the audience and with our friends. Also, a much more unified country/world…And hopefully the truth comes out about aliens…just let us know they exist,,,c’mon man! Chris Michaels, FM100: Definitely seeing concerts again, and getting together with family without worrying about getting anyone sick, or getting sick.
Skyywalker, WSPK: My turn for a vaccine shot! Heather Deluca, WSJO: I hope the COVID-19 vaccine rollout really does stop people from dying. I hope the incoming administration is Washington finds a way to bring us back together. I hope we’re all able to get back to seeing each other again and doing fun things comes spring or summer. I hope people remember what I learned in 2020: That life is short. Never miss a chance to tell someone you love them. And, live in the moment. |