Tommy Chuck, iHeartMedia / Tampa:
1) Being named SVPP for iHeartMedia Tampa Bay.
2) My wife. She set a goal to become a BODYFLO fitness instructor and accomplished it by mid-year. Watching her go from dream to done so quickly was inspiring!
R Dub! Z90:
1) So proud of my staff at Z90 who took the station to dominance in the market this year
2) My listeners, who together helped us build a well for a village in Africa that was without clean water.
Erik Bradley, B96:
1) Seeing Taylor Swift on the B96 Jingle Bash Stage; Launching 104-3 Jams in Chicago with my best friend Todd Cavanah and the support of our new Entercom Team
2) Brian Purdy, Todd Cavanah and Michael Martin.
Joey Brooks, WHYI/WMIA:
1) This week I watched my 7 and 9-year-old daughters receive honor roll awards and also lead the charge on charity events to help our community. It’s great to see their hard work pay off and I’m proud that they are becoming strong leaders at a young age.
2) Guy Zapoleon! I’ve been very lucky to work with Guy for years and worked even more with him this year on strategy and research for our brands. He’s brilliant, a great teacher and one of the best in the business!
Jimmy Steal, Power 106:
1) Cruz Cares (J Cruz is our morning host) raising 50K in cash and toys for the Boys and Girls Club of Los Angeles for Christmas.
2) Major influence is my two amazing staffs at Power 106 and KDAY. We integrated both staffs into one facility seamlessly and both stations are now strategically aligned owning Hip Hop in LA from birth to death. Our direct competitor isn’t even in the top 10 18-34 Adults as I write this, and J Cruz is also beating our old morning show at the moment.
Brian Mack, WXXL:
1) Proudest moment is just being aware that the XL crew has endured radio stations, promotions, new technologies and local events to keep up with or overcome and they do it day in and day out.
Chris Michaels, FM100:
1) The Birth of my daughter in April.
2) Entercom CEO David Field.
Fish Boy, WKRZ:
1) This year’s holiday show on 12/7 was amazing. KRZ’s Let It Show was incredibly successful. Al the artists were great!
2) Entercom CEO David Field for pulling off one of the biggest radio deals in my lifetime!
Derrick “DC” Cole, WAEB:
1) Being able to get Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson into most of my Question of the Week responses! Also, taking over the Allentown market was a nice opportunity which I was excited to do.
2) Honestly, most of the people I’ve worked with in the past year. When you start to see the bigger picture inside a building, you realize that every person contributes to the whole. Those people are what help me do a great job.
Sassy, WKXJ:
1) Proudest moment was bringing Noah Cyrus to Chattanooga and her performing to a sold-out crowd at our amusement park. She rode rides for two hours after and had a blast.
2) Going to sleep iHeartradio and waking up Entercom. (lol) |
Elizabethany, WIHT:
1) It just happened, but it’s a no brainer- being named PMD and APD at WIHT. How do you describe the feeling of working your way up to this level from INTERN STATUS, on the station you listened to every day in high school? Beyond being THE PMD jock, climbing up the ranks on the management side, and having Rob Kruz as the #1, it’s perfect.
2) There isn’t one single person or moment who inspires me… but I’m constantly inspired by the people who share their real and honest selves/stories. Whether they be good or bad moments they’re sharing, it’s always refreshing to see the “non-Photoshopped” versions of humans, and remind myself that I don’t need to try to be anything or anyone else than the person I’ve always been.

Mike McVay, Cumulus Media:
1) Cumulus outperforming the industry in ratings growth for 24 of 26 months.
2) Cumulus CEO Mary Berner. She’s changed the paradigm of how radio operates.
Jonathan Reed, WNOK:
1) I believe when people started to notice my weight loss was pretty cool.
2a) Seeing my then-girlfriend’s reaction when I was in ER. I was in there for kidney stones and found that I had to tackle a few other issues. That moment started my journey of eating healthier and getting more exercise.
2b) Going through the sadness and anger of a failed relationship. It has caused me to pause, to think about how I think about myself, how I treat myself, how I treat other people, how I look at life, my career, being thankful, learning my self-worth, learning to be thankful, etc.
Java Joel, WAKS:
1) Becoming Program Director of the station I’ve called home for 11 years – 96-5 Kiss FM in Cleveland!
2) My son, Charles, is my #1 biggest influence. He’s got ears too – His fav songs right now are “New Rules” and “How Long” (but assures me he is NOT a fan of “Taylor Swift”!)
Jonathan Shuford, WRVW:
1) I think our Live Life Love Concert for Suicide Prevention has to be up there, just because of the circumstances under which it came together and how quickly we got it on the air. It ended up just being a really meaningful and cool event.
2) I mean it has to be Donald Trump, right? You didn’t say it had to be a GOOD influence.
Big Rob, KSME:
1) My proudest moment was last week when we completed our week long Kissmas Wishes 15 holiday drive collecting toys and goods for over thirty local non-profits. Making the holidays happen for those in our community who need our help is what it’s all about!
2) Biggest influence this year has been my son.
Max Volume, KOZZ:
1) Proudest moment of the year? My Son’s wedding
2) Major influence of the year (person or event)? Metallica‘s “Band Together”
Toby Knapp, WIHT:
1) Repelling off a mountain in West Virginia… going whitewater rafting and being in a place health-wise where I could do it… and will do it again…
2) Tommy Chuck, Joe Daddio, Melissa Daddio, Jeff and Laurie Kapugi, plus Kyla‘s mom, Dana, win this. Throwing aside their own industry + family obligations, they literally stayed by my side while I was in the ICU in November, running point on my life while I dealt with some things… and… Thea Mitchem for saying what she said to me which is probably the reason I’m here answering this question right now. Life. A collection of moments. Live them. Because they may never come again.
Kobe, WWHT:
1) Launching a regular podcast on the iHeart radio app as well as stepping up my video content.
2) Gary Vaynerchuk, he’s a true social media visionary, always one step ahead of the curve. He helps me see the bigger picture. The big thing he’s talking about now is Facebook Watch.
Jon Zellner. iHeartMedia:
1) My daughter Jenni getting accepted into NYU’s Masters in Fine Arts program in Paris…puts her one step closer to publishing her first book.
Alex Tear, Y100 / iHeartMedia Miami:
1) Our iHeart Team being there for the community during Hurricane Irma pre/during/post!
2) All of the natural and non-natural disasters (terrorism) have really made an impact on our country and we’ll continue to help in every way.
Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies:
1) Seeing my son drive a car for the first time. I’m very proud of him.
2) There isn’t one single influence or event. It’s been an interesting year with lots of lessons, triumphs and challenges, and I’m ready for 2018 to get here.
Rozy Myzal, hardDrive: Since 2017 marks the end of my career as the executive producer of hardDriveRadio, it’s a bittersweet look back at not only this year, but at my entire 21-year career with this show. I am very proud that of all the programming that was developed back in the mid 90’s at SW Networks (Sony-Warner), hardDrive is the sole standing program, changing networks three times. And competition came and went. We are a survivor in these very fickle times. It was at times perilous to navigate when many of us were running around like Chicken Little, “The sky is falling!” but in the end, we made it through and continue to grow our roster of affiliates. I never took this job lightly; I worked very hard and enjoyed every day of my job because I was passionate and loved what I did for a living. I am sad to see it come to an end for me, but I have a new chapter I am working on, so see you on the flip side. And I will be rooting from the sidelines for all the new stations that will be coming on board in the new year. Continued to success to all at hardDriveRadio, and thank you to all the labels and bands that worked so closely with me over the years. Onward and upward!
Gina Gray, WERO:
1) When I met Ed Sheeran.
2) Ed Sheeran show was amazing! Cool dude! |