August 8, 2022

What are some of the more creative/cool ad spots you’ve seen or heard lately,
and what spot has made an enduring impression on you over time?


Jagger, KCHZ: The current Wendy’s spot promoting the new Strawberry Frosty is pretty funny. The Snickers commercials have always been great. They had Betty White at one point. I love the line, “You’re not you if you don’t have a Snickers Bar!”

Matt Johnson, WPLW: I don’t like commercials, sales people ruin everything.

Bartel. WKTU: Nike… Just Do It! “Have a Coke and smile” ad and the Pepsi generation from back in the day.


Mike O’Donnell, WKRZ: What makes an effective creative spot is a catch phrase. One of the best of (and I still laugh today about it) was the Wendy’s “Where’s the beef!” spots. My all-time favorite are the Bud Light “Real men of Genius” spots. I loved the “jelly filler” commercial best of all.

Kobe, WURV: For radio, an effective spot is anything that stands out from all the things competing for our listeners attention. As far as TV goes, I was a fan of the Doritos spot with Charlie Puth and Megan Thee Stallion. And as tacky as this will sound, for radio I challenge myself to be as creative as possible. Most recently I did a spot where I’m one of three different versions of me in a multiverse of Biscuits for Bojangles (chicken restaurant).

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: The classic Budweiser frog commercials always stuck with me. Lately commercials are too political and everybody’s trying to make statements in their ads, no one does just funny commercials anymore.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Growing up outside New York City, I have fond memories of TV commercials for Raceway Park, Crazy Eddie, The Haunted Mansion, Jungle Habitat and I still remember the phone number for The Pocono Gardens Lodge (226-0841), which was part of their jingle. I guess I watched a lot of TV in addition to a lot of radio listening as a kid.

Buster Satterfield, WIOQ: The Coca-Cola Christmas stuff with the bear.

Valentine, WBHT: The Apple spots are always cool because they’re more about a vibe and lifestyle than just the product. The Geico caveman is a classic, and I’ve always liked the Progressive Flo commercials.

Josh Wolff, WAEB: Since we’re an adverting supported medium, I think all commercials are fantastic. Personally, it was before my time but as a Steelers fan, I thought the “Mean” Joe Greene commercials for Coke we’re pretty cool.

Drew Heyman, WHYI: Inner Circle Studio, a recording studio in Miami, used to buy 60 seconds spots play their artists’ music for the whole spot. Then at the end promoted to go stream it. It always stood out to me.

Lee Abrams, mediavisions: Recently there was a U.S. Army spot using samples of Chicago music. In the past, among many others, I always liked the British Airways “Manhattan” commercial.

Joey Brooks, WKSS: I honestly don’t have enough time during the day to watch any TV, but I do remember the Budweiser Clydesdale commercials were always memorable.

Guy Zapoleon, Zapoleon Consulting: Oh my God there are so many great ones through the years in television. There was a time when you actually watched shows to see the commercials. Alka Selzer, commercials created by Mel Brooks, and of course the Super Bowl commercials. My Mom uses to work for the Ad Agency Awards. But the funniest commercials I’ve seen lately are the Spectrum “Monster ads.”

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
Do you have any ridiculous goals in life?
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