August 18, 2017

What has been the most daring thing you’ve ever attempted in your life?

Frankie V, KSSX: Leaving my family, friends, and all I knew on the East Coast to take a chance to grow my career on the West Coast!

Jordan, KSLZ/KBWX: Parenthood!

Java Joel, WAKS: Back when I did mornings at the old Mix 96 in Canton NY, I was in a demolition derby at a neighborhood summer festival. Thought it’d be fun until I saw the questionable-looking gentlemen with no teeth who were in the other cars. They all wanted me dead.

Kobi, WNRW/WLGX: Moving to Amarillo, TX for my first FT radio gig! I had never been to TX and didn’t know anyone there when I moved.

Jonathan Reed, WNOK: I have yet to do it but looking forward to it.

Kobe, WWHT: Leaving radio to freelance in social media.

Sassy, WKXJ: Date a black guy.

Brian Mack, WXXL: Leaving the nest and going off to college…haven’t looked back since!


Derrick “DC” Cole, WLAN: Moving away! Doesn’t seem like a huge deal, but I know too many people that would never leave their own bubble.

Reid, KZZP: Personally, drag racing at the drag strip in high school. Professionally, Leaving home to work in Alabama.

Matt Talluto, WBYR: A career in radio!

Kevin Kash, WWEG:  Besides having kids, it would have to be radio.

Toby Knapp, WIHT: Parenthood.

Heather Deluca, WSJO: Rappelling down a 16-story building.

R Dub! Z90: Visiting North Korea in 2016. Daring or stupid, not sure.


Casey Reed, WIOQ: Jumped out of a plane and went 160mph on a motorcycle track with a pro racer. The motorcycle was much scarier than skydiving.

Terry O’Donnell, WKKF: Every time I eat at Denny’s.

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: When I was in my early 30’s, I attempted to pipe natural gas to a stove for who later became my wife. We were at her house and I was trying to impress her at the time. I thought of what a disaster it would be if things went wrong, but the house did not blow up and we sold the house and then got married.

Matt “MJ” Johnson, KUDD: A career in radio, that’s pretty dangerous. I was smart enough to go get a real job but I didn’t.

Chris Michaels, FM100: Moving away from everything I know to take my first full time job in North Carolina. I didn’t think twice about it, just packed a U Haul, and moved. Best decision that I ever made.

Max Volume, KOZZ: My band opening for Aerosmith. 7/3/15 -Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at Harvey’s.


Nik Rivers, WLKK: The Triple Lindy

Terri Ray, WKLT: Skydiving

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: I actually haven’t done as much as I probably would’ve like to (not yet at least), but skiing a black diamond slope as a novice skier was pretty daring, and probably one of the dumbest things I ever done as well!

Chris K, 106.5 the end: At a recent remote the Roosevelt Fire Debarment was out there and they had their big aerial ladders and I climb up to the top of the ladder and we took a selfie with the business in the background.

Jeff Hurley, WHKF/B104: I took a job in Panama City, FL sight unseen and drove 1200 miles and just went for it. It was my first PD gig. I never visited the station, never been to Florida, I just went for it.

Gina Gray, WERO: Tubing with sharks…never again!


Fish Boy, WKRZ: Jumping out of a station vehicle wrapped in bubble wrap going 55 mph.

Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: Not a daredevil but I did jump into a double black diamond ski slope on my third time ever skiing. Skis pointed straight down and just hung on for dear life. Luckily no poorly placed trees.

Paul “Cubby” Bryant, WKTU: Doing a morning show with Whoopi Goldberg.

Tom Butler, WWCD: When I was 17 and skateboarding every day, a frontside boardslide down a kinked 6 stair handrail in the snow. I landed it for what it’s worth.


Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
Who was the best natural leader(s) you ever worked with and what qualities did he/she possess that made for such a strong leader?
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