August 11, 2017
What do you miss from the past that was valuable to you then but doesn’t (or barely) exist today?
![]() Reid, KZZP: My flip phone. Smartphones make it hard to disconnect. Matt “MJ” Johnson, KUDD: I like living in the now. I really enjoy evolving and figuring it out. I’m not one to look back, after all I’m an Eagles fan what would you expect?!
Rick Vaughn, Power 94.9: Condoms. Sassy, WKXJ: Part-timers!
Terri Ray, WKLT: Record company support Matt Talluto, WBYR: I miss having cart machines and reel to reel’s in the prod studio, not necessarily to use, but so the newbies to business can appreciate what the technology is doing FOR them today. Jonathan Reed, WNOK: My Liver! |
Kobi, WNRW/WLGX: Having two more part timers and live and local jocks.
DJ Riddler, KROI: The Houston Oilers! R Dub! Z90: Night show groupies.
Fish Boy, WKRZ: 360 replay machines. Man, I miss those things. Those things were amazing. Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: Baseball cards.
Willobee, KVNV: A full time live airstaff. Roxy Myzal, hardDrive: Album sales that are over 250,000 in one week for a rock band. |
Chris K, 106.5 the end: Listeners calling in and making requests. Jeremy Rice, WBLI:Obama. Brian Mack, WXXL: Bengal tigers? I always was a fan of big cats. Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: Radio.
Gina Gray, WERO: Family time.
Terry O’Donnell, WKKF: CARTS! Max Volume, KOZZ: Record companies and their reps. Somehow an MP3 in an email isn’t quite the same! |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What has been the most daring thing you’ve ever attempted in your life?
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