April 24, 2020
With more time on your hands given the stay-at-home mandates, are you learning any new skills and/or perfecting ones that you haven’t had time to perfect previously?
Java Joel, WAKS: Where’s everybody getting all this extra free time? Just as busy as ever. No learning languages or instruments. Haven’t taken up painting. I’m a much better eater and drinker than I was 2 months ago. Is that a skill? Jammer, WEZB: Patience and just how much I miss my co-workers. Rick Vaughn KENZ: I have not found myself with more time on my hands…I’m as busy as ever.
Jeremy Rice, WBLI: My avocado toast is the BOMB. Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: The extra time at home has confirmed that I’m not handy and never will be handy. But I have every local expert on speed dial so I know who to call in case anything breaks.
Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: I’m just as busy with work as I normally am, so not much free time for anything else, thankfully…because I’m not good with boredom. |
Heather DeLuca, WSJO: I learned Zoom! So, that’s been neat. Mostly, I’m just organizing the heck out of my house. My beauty room and fridge are on point now, lol. And, I’ve gotten back to scrapbooking photos.
Orlando, WLLD: Yeah, I’m become proficient in tiktok. Learning from my daughters, working on learning more video editing and picking up guitar. Toby Knapp, WASH: More time? I don’t know what that means… Just because we’re working from home doesn’t mean we have any less to do… although I get to sleep in a bit later before I stumble over to the home studio space just five steps from my bed! Jagger, WKSS: I’m still working on my diet and cooking a lot more and learning some different things along those lines. I’m also looking forward to getting back to working out more (always can improve those skills). We cleared some space in the garage so I’m getting ready to get going there as well
Chris Michaels, FM100:I’m getting a lot of random projects done. Like pressure-washing random things around the house, and working on little projects that would have probably never been touched. My wife on the other hand is learning Spanish with a Spanish app every day.
R Dub! Z90: Truth be told, I was pretty lazy for the first couple weeks; I enjoyed being able to finally slow down for a second. But soon I got motivated to take advantage of the extra time and… Bob Patrick, WXLK: Without a doubt it’s painting rooms. The paint, tape, angles, coats, brushes…I’m a master at this point!
Kobe, @kobeontheradio: This time home has really forced me to think outside the box, and come up with new ways I can use my radio background to create new pieces of content. From consulting social media, branding, Live streaming DJ mixes, and doing Voice overs and more. It has all stemmed from being stuck at home. I have also put much more of a focus on my podcast! Max Volume, KOZZ: Mainly focusing on a regimen of exercise and yard work! |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
Currently evergreen songs (recurrents & Gold) can serve as “comfort food” with listeners. What are a few of your favorite evergreen tracks that need to be in the mix right now?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com