April 16, 2021

What are you the most passionate about regarding your job?

Jeremy Rice, WBLI: The same as it’s always been: growing talent, developing and maintaining successful winning brands, leading great teams…and I love finding the next smash hits like we do with our Up Next show. Of course, BLI Summer Jam once we get back!

Jana Sutter, WXXL: My favorite thing I’m still most passionate about is hearing a great before anyone else does and knowing it’s going to be a hit. That will pull me right thru a lousy week.

Bob Patrick, WXLK: Making sure we are playing the hits every time someone tunes in.

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: The passion remains the desire to come in every day and listen to a brand, new song that you’re just totally in love with and you want to share with the world. That’s why I’m in this format still. I love when you find a great new record and you’re just so excited to put it on your station!

Alex Tear, SiriusXM: The Music, our Team, our Listeners, creativity and  having fun.


Lee Abrams MediaVisions: Being involved in some new ideas that may be game changing.

Toby Knapp, WASH: Lately, it’s seeing my teammates, colleagues and friends along this journey, like Joey Brooks, Rob KRUZ Feldman, Brian Figula, Mack, Mike Klein, JJ Kinkaid, Cubby and so many others continue to find success in what they do. Seeing the evolution – into programming roles, or into new roles on air as talent in new formats – inspires me to remember that if we’re not changing, growing, evolving and learning, we’re not living. That’s my passion these days… finding inspiration from those who continue to do what we do so hopefully we can inspire those coming up next the way we were.

Fish, WKRZ: How we’ve evolved post-COVID with our engagement and interaction with our listeners. As things start to normalize to an extent, it’ll be a challenge as to how we deal with the road map ahead of us. The real passion comes from the pending opportunity for us to get out there again with our listeners.

Frankie V, KSSX / KHTS: I know it’s cliché but I’m passionate about “success!” Success when it comes to local ratings. Success when it comes to connecting with the audience. Success when it comes to making my national shows sound local. Success when it comes to creating experiences for listeners that no other platform can do! We are fortunate for the opportunity to crack the mic each day. Use it in a way that brings you “success!”

Buster Satterfield, WIOQ: Music curation and talent coaching.

Bartel, WKTU: Being a part of a team in the #1 market on KTU!

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: It’s more of a broad-based response, but creating is what drives my passion. I believe we all got into these jobs to create. Anytime you can create something and see it from the beginning stages to execution to being embraced by the scores of people listening, that’s still a really cool feeling even to this day.

Valentine, WBHT: The Music! I love dealing with the music every day, from talking with fellow music lovers, to looking at the data and research, to following my gut. It’s the one think I look forward to still to this day.

Joey Brooks, WKSS: We have three local morning shows in our cluster, so I love going into work every day and working with them. Creativity, brainstorming, idea energy, it’s all there.

Jon Zellner, HeartMedia: Getting back to hosting iHeartRadio live events. We can see glimmers of light at the end of the pandemic tunnel.

Josh Wolff, WAEB: Working with talent, and presenting a radio station that the market enjoys interacting with.

Guy Zapoleon, Zapoleon Consulting: Just like when I 13 and 14-years-old listening to WABC/NYC and KHJ/LA (over fifty years ago), my huge passion continues to be my 50-year study of the Ten-Year Music Cycle. I’m also passionate about the hit music process and what songs and genres are adopted that eventually become hits and which one’s don’t. I love studying how they perform in radio research and Hitpredictor versus the streaming, shazam and sales charts and the overall Billboard and Mediabase charts. I also love studying industry trends for radio versus other platforms. My other main job I’m passionate about is watching our grandson and seeing the world through his eyes.

Adam Rivers, WKCI: Our work and partnership within the community.

R Dub! Z90: Continuing to do things—as many things as possible—bigger and better, every time!

Max Volume, KOZZ: Being of service to the community.

Kevin Kash, WWEG/WIYY: I think I’m most passionate about connecting with the audience. On-air, text, social media, remotes. Knowing that they are into what you and the station are doing makes it all worth it. I’m also very passionate about the music.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
With the Oscars airing on Sunday night (4/25), what are a couple of your favorite “movie quotes” of all-time?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com