April 15, 2024

What qualities of any company in any industry do you admire as a fan of the company and/or consumer of its products?

Jeremy Rice, WXXL: Customer service, people that are happy to do their job and have a positive attitude. Being a part of and giving back to the community, supporting LOCAL artists, farmers, shops, breweries etc. Forward thinking companies that embrace diversity, going Green, and where the top executives are down-to-earth normal people. And if you’re a restaurant or store, do NOT run the vacuum cleaner while I am there!!

Matt Johnson, WPLW: Hubbard Broadcasting with their dedication to research.

Toby Knapp, WASH: Apple’s ability to emotionally connect with the true feeling of ‘want’ and ‘desire’ by appealing to true creatives who are enamored by what they can do with an ecosystem is amazing. Also, Iger’s Disney and Pixar and finally, Elon Musk and all things he’s doing… here’s to the crazy ones who are the ones who do… and they all do in a way we should emulate.

Brian Mack, iHeartMedia: Wendys, their social media. What on earth could a hamburger chain have to talk about that’s interesting…yet they found a niche!

Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: I remain a fan of the Apple brand. They know exactly who their consumer is, they invest and focus on innovation and keeping their products interesting even after you buy them with updates, and they are very good at creating hype around their products.

Bob Patrick, WXLK: I’m a fan of Philadelphia sports and their commitment to winning. Also, the in-game experience it top-notch.

R Dub!, Z90/Magic 92.5: Discount Tire because of their free airchecks. They’re honest with me about my show sucking.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: I disagree with a lot of their practices, but you have to admire what Amazon built from the ground up and how they’ve done it. Innovation and risk-taking have been key to them. From selling books online to becoming one of the biggest conglomerates in the world.

Jammer, WEZB: Apple with their vision for the future.

Erik Bradley, B96: Love the campus vibe of the big tech companies and their workplace environment. Also like the autonomy of the smaller companies. Love the Legends brand (Best Hoodies). No Bull (shoes), On Cloud and Hoka. Much respect to the smaller businesses on their presentations on tik tok and selling products.

Mike O’Donnell, WKRZ: By far it’s Amazon. As a consumer, that company is unbelievable. The qualities that stand out for me are their customer service and the prompt response to anything you order. You order something and it’s here later that day. They have the best logistics when it comes to being a mail-order company, and there’s nothing you can’t find on Amazon. I hear people complain that they’re too big…well, they’re big because they’re good.


Rich Davis, KDWB: Well, I’ll be a homer here and talk about Target. My son works there, and I love how they boost opportunity and equity and the Target Drive-Up! We certainly spend enough time and money there every week.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Clearly defined point of differentiation in its marketplace, efficient customer service, fair treatment of its employees.

Buster, WIOQ: Great leadership from the top down. It might be controversial, but Barstool seems to have really found their niche.

Adam Rivers, WKCI / WKSS: The growth in Apple products. Content-wise Barstool has really found their niche.

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: Walmart. They haven’t upgraded their self-checkout system. So many items on sale!

Guy Zapoleon, Zapoleon Consulting: Leading edge but high-quality dependable products. Consumer friendly and responsive to questions, problems and returns if necessary. That their products integrate well with other brands, and easy to assemble and easy to use with well mapped out video instructions.

Drew Heyman, WHYI: I’m a fan of the Google mindset and workspace atmosphere. There is some that at iHeart but I feel like some companies are moving in that direction with this new generation.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What fascinating experience truly inspired you?

e-Mail your responses to: bburke@deanemediasolutions.com