What’s the most outrageous request for a promotion
you’ve received from your sales department?

Billy The Kidd/KHKS: An endorsement deal for western wear, cowboy hat included. I said no way!

Toby Knapp/WIHT: Any of them…can you say added value?

JT Bosch/WHKF: Can we give away bread…not money…actual bread…on the air!

Jessica Lee/WDYL: They ask US for the clever ideas.

Mase/WKZQ: Last-minute promotions that start tomorrow.

Roger Orton/KHTB: We get a weekly request for trivia – plumbing trivia, national guard trivia, dairy trivia – whatever the client is. We also got a request to pimp out the midday girl.

Curt Kay/WDHA: They wanted us to promote a show for Kool and the Gang. They couldn’t understand why we went ballistic on them! A local club played them and the club wanted us to do it.

Scott Less/KXFX: We did a Christmas promotion and it was a little ridiculous but cool. We counted down the 12 days of Christmas and every day we gave away a Christmas tree. It wasn’t totally ridiculous but you wouldn’t think a Rock station would do it.

Maynard/WCPR: I had an idea that got shot down, which was to win three minutes in the ring with a WWE wrestler. They weren’t going for it.

Karson With A K/WHBQ: Mother’s Day Makeover.

Keith Allen/WEQN: I rolled my eyes when I was asked to go to offices and give out Kit Kat candy for a Kit Kat break.

Jon Zellner/XM Satellite: There are so many that come to mind including Kansas Beef Council trivia, Egg on a Stick (can’t imagine why that never took off), but the best was when listeners had to guess how long it was going to take for a block of ice to melt. My morning show had to sit in a grocery store parking lot until 4am the next day to give away the prize (it got a little chilly that night and it took longer than expected).

Chris Reed/KSMB: To give a dog away on the air.

Billy The Baby DJ/KHTT: To get people to come out to a club, they suggested I drop my pants. By the way, I did it.

Chase Murphy/WFBC: Do you think you could get Avril Lavigne to do a show for one of my clients for free.

Brody/WDCG: Can you sell bratwurst in thirty different ways?

Skywalker/WSPK: They wanted us to do an appearance at a fish distributor. Bad fit, bad smell.

Jeff Hurley/WLAN: We had one client who wanted every artist we had in power to come to his club.

Matt Sneed/WPST: Recently we had a request to do a night at a strip club. Which we declined.

Kobe/WLDI: This happened at WFBC before I was there and  just happened to me two weeks ago. A sales rep wanted us to have a WILD 95.5 Dance Team to do cheerleader routines at club nights and events.

Terri Carr/WHTG: Thank god it’s not where I am now! However I did have a sales person approach me about an appearance package that he sold regarding sending the morning show and station van to a state run mental health facility to pass out t-shirts and do call-ins dispelling the myth that state run mental health facilities had negative depressing connotations attached to them. Safe to say…..I now work here!

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What’s the  best way to deal with feuding egos on your staff?
e-mail your responses to
: mbacon@fmqb.com