April 15, 2016
What was the most difficult challenge you’ve had to overcome in your career
and what lesson did you learn from the experience?




Toby Knapp, WIHT:
There have been many challenges, but the biggest lessons learned continue
to be true: work hard, be
kind, stay humble, don’t
be afraid to take risks, don’t be afraid to ask for help, remember you don’t know everything and remember to pray, say thank you and appreciate the heart, soul and passion of everyone around you.

Kobe, WWHT:
We must adapt. I was
once at a station and my job duties and responsibilities changed dramatically. You have to fight through it, realize
that doing something that may seem unfamiliar or different will give you a new set of skills to make you more valuable in the end.

Kobi, WNRW/WLGX: Moving my now-wife
twice when she was just
my girlfriend then fiancé. It’s not easy, it’s a tough industry and sometimes challenging for spouse or girlfriend to just pick up and move and make new friends.





Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies & The Blaze Radio Network:
The process of starting
over and re-inventing by launching my own businesses and growing a startup network is by far the most difficult challenge I’ve faced. However it has also been the most rewarding experience and
I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’ve learned that sometimes you just have
to take a leap of faith if
you really want to grow,
no matter how scary it
may seem. I spent many years being unnecessarily dissatisfied with my circumstances, but looking back, I wish that I would have done this sooner.
You can achieve anything you want in life if you’re willing to jump.





Max Volume, KOZZ:
I had a very successful insanely high rated
evening show, but wanted to do daytime radio. I
went to middays, and although I didn’t have the creative license to play whatever, it pushed me to be a better jock and work on my presentation. I then went to afternoons, then mornings and was a success in every day part. Presently I do afternoon drive and love that

Mark Adams, KYLD/KIOI:
As it turns out, while fuzzy and seemingly possessed
of a curious disposition, Wolverines do not make the best pets.Java Joel, WAKS:
Being on the beach for 18 months. That was rough. I learned to save my money. Being “on the beach” for that long can be expensive.DeeAlbie_100





Albie Dee, WOCQ:
First being told I didn’t have enough experience then then being told I had too much! At the end of
the day I learned NEVER TAKE NO for an answer…keep going!

R Dub! Z90:
So many to pick just one. Challenges are great because it’s challenges that make you a better programmer. The most difficult? Probably just starting out in the
business, and getting so many nos. No after no
after no after no can get pretty depressing. But you push on, and never give
up. And realize that hundreds of small steps,
no matter how the tiny, eventually add up to giant leaps.

Jared Banks, KUDD:
Being on the beach was trying. Patience is a lost virtue in our business where we count seconds. Instant satisfaction has become common. We need to be patient and work to create lasting relationships and lasting content that stands the test of time. Most important, lasting quality revenue streams! Patience! That’s the hardest thing for me to have.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia:
I told my first PD during the job interview that I wanted to work there so badly, I’d do it for free. After getting the job earning minimum wage, I promised myself I’d never do that again.





Chris Michaels, FM 100:
Early in my career I had to learn how to get things done with very limited resources. We didn’t have the huge staff and budgets, and yet no one would have ever known. You get creative and get things done. It made me a better strategic thinker.

Kevin Kash, WWEG:
The biggest challenge of
all for me has been how to stay afloat financially
when let go from a gig. There were several times when I thanked my lucky stars for my parents. I’d have probably been out in the streets if it weren’t for them. That’s a scary
feeling when you’re supporting a family as I’m sure some of you know.





John Mayer, WFLZ: Sometimes the New York
in me comes out a bit too much and it gets a little aggressive, so I’ve learned to politic for the vote a
little bit more than I used to.

Jeff Hurley, iHeartMedia:
Moving from programming a single station (B104) to overseeing five markets, then seven, was the biggest challenge I’ve faced in my career. It forced me to adjust my perspective from a singular focus to a much wider scope.

Jonathan Reed, WAEV: The challenge is still ongoing…and I’m still learning.

Randi West, WMTX:
I would say finding out an employee had a life threatening health issue and how to lead my team thru it not knowing the outcome. Ultimately the outcome was great, but it really puts into perspective your job as a manager. These are peoples’ LIVES not just jobs.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW:
Being wrong. Everybody at some point has to learn that they don’t know everything, and that’s the point when you can actually grow your career.





Brian Mack, WXXL:
Keeping good business decisions and helping out friends in line with one another. I learn from the experience daily, however I’d say in short, be consistent with your practice and explanation.

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ:
I started as a PD at a Mom & Pop operation and when I got my first big gig with (what was then) Clear Channel, as a young PD I had this thought that I could just go into this station and make these changes and do everything I did in my previous market. Well, it didn’t work out the way I wanted it to. It taught me that when you go to a new market, you need to just sit back and soak it in and see learn what makes that station tick before you make moves.

John O’Dea, WNNK:
I’ve had two long time employees that were found dead in their homes on mornings they were supposed to be at work. Terrible, tragic, and awful. They happened about four years apart. A lot of grief, but listener support was incredible. Life is short
and unfortunately bad things do happen, but with God and the support of others you can get through most anything.


Next Week’s Question Of The Week: What was the most difficult challenge you’ve had to overcome in your career and what lesson did you learn from the experience?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@fmqb.com or bburke@fmqb.com