What’s the strangest thing that ever happened to you at a personal appearance? |
Toby Knapp/WIHT: Man…We don’t want to open those x-files. Natalie Randall/WFBC: For a three month period I had a guy that was constantly walking up to me at appearances and he would tell me that the voices in his head were telling him that I was the only one that could get rid of them. Thankfully he just disappeared. Tony Waitekus/WIXX: We were broadcasting the last day of the Mississippi Valley fair in Davenport, Iowa, and a funnel cloud came through and I saw the cloud going over the grandstand and it shredded out tent, so we packed everything up headed back to our station which had no power. Christy Taylor/WFLY: I had to take a restroom break and I was accosted in the restroom by an overzealous woman about how I needed to talk about PETA on the radio. She kept telling me how she loved my show, but she was insistent about her political agenda. Monte Montana/KNCN: I did a break at a live broadcast while driving a go-kart, and spun around, then drove full-speed in the opposite direction and ran into someone head-on. Blando/WXNR: One of the first remotes I ever did, some random girl asked me for my autograph…I was only a part-timer at the time. Jeremi “Big J” Smith/KQXR: At a live broadcast from a Linkin Park concert, a dude came up and was talking to me and then randomly kissed me on the lips…he took my man-kiss virginity from me! Then I got mad at him on the air for it.
Capone/WHRL: I was on-stage in front of 10,000 people, introducing Blink-182. I went to do a stage dive off a speaker and no one caught me. I cracked a rib…I felt like Jared Leto. Frank Pain/KEYJ: One time a guy came up to me and accused me of stealing his girlfriend in junior high…and I’m not even from here! Trixie/WNFZ: I’ve had people asking me to sign weird stuff. One time a guy asked me to sign his wife’s boob. There’s plenty of weirdos out there! Dawn Cox/WKLC: Having someone shake your hand and then tell you that they masturbate while listening to you almost every night. Of course he told me this after shaking my hand! I was like, “where’s the hand sanitizer?!” Tim Parker/WNOR: I once got groped by a female listener, and I mean really groped. She was not shy about it! And she was not exactly someone that you would want to grope you. Cindy Miller/WOTT: I had a woman ask me if I was interested in sleeping with her husband. That was pretty weird! Rich Davis/WRVW: I was emceeing a bikini contest at a bar that was totally fixed, but I wasn’t aware of it. So when I called the winner’s name, everyone booed. So, I changed the contest and let the audience decide and they picked a different girl. I got heat for it from my PD and the client. |
Maxwell/WNCI: At a State Fair appearance, a two-year old child urinated on me. Stan Priest/WKSS: My answer probably can’t be printed, but I was grateful. Skywalker/WSPK: At my previous station, the promotion assistant parked in a handicapped zone, and a man with no legs wheeled into the donut shop and reamed us out. It was very embarrassing. Bob Patrick/WXLK: A woman approached me and told me I can talk to God if I smoke pot in my living room. She also said God had placed hidden messages in Will Smith’s song “Miami,” and God wanted to use my body as the vehicle for his return to Earth. So I got that going for me, which is nice. Mike Rossi/WSTW: I was on stage doing the introduction at a Matthew Sweet show when I was interrupted by many in the audience who were pointing at my fly, which was wide open. Tim Rainey/WNOU: I showed up on time. Billy The Baby DJ/KHTT: You mean besides seeing the talent break his knee on the air? Eric Chase/WAEB: An attractive listener showed up and she actually had teeth and showered within the last week. |
Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What is your #1 guilty pleasure band?
e-mail your responses to: mbacon@fmqb.com