Chris Protzman

Chris Protzman

There are changes at the top at SummitMedia‘s Knoxville cluster, where Market President Chris Protzman announces his retirement, effective February 1. Kelsey Gresham has been announced as his replacement.

Protzman stated, “[SummitMedia Chairman/CEO] Carl [Parmer] and I started this conversation last Fall and I am delighted with how all the pieces came together. As I transition into the next chapter of my professional life I look forward to completing my work as Chairman Emeritus of our State Broadcast Association, as well as advancing several non-profit projects near and dear to my heart. SummitMedia has pledged to support these efforts moving forward and I am deeply grateful for their support.”

Parmer commented, “Chris has done an outstanding job leading our Knoxville cluster and we wish him the very best as begins his next chapter. He was instrumental in helping choose his successor and we couldn’t be more excited for our team.”

Kelsey Gresham

Kelsey Gresham

Cox Media Group-Athens, GA Station Director Kesley Gresham will join SummitMedia-Knoxville as Protzman’s successor. Gresham stated, “I am excited to return to the Knoxville market and cluster that I managed in 2017 as LSM. This homecoming is both a personal and professional desire for me and my family. Carl’s passion for the Knoxville operation and our team members
drove this perfect fit.”

She continued, “I look forward to building on the success and achievements gained under Protz and am honored to carry on the tradition of high performance at SummitMedia-Knoxville.”

Parmer added, “We are very excited to have Kelsey return home to lead our incredible Knoxville team.”