Today, Nielsen announced the launch of Local Nielsen Media Impact, a solution that makes local media planning and cross-channel optimization streamlined and efficient across local TV and Radio. Nielsen Media Impact is a powerful planning system that allows users to understand cross-media reach, frequency, and duplication on a local scale using advanced audience segments from Nielsen Scarborough. In addition, this new offering enables advertisers, agencies, and media owners to reach their desired audience in the 25 U.S. Local People Meter (LPM) Designated Market Areas (DMAs).

Local Nielsen Media Impact is built with respondent level data to allow in-depth cross-platform analyses for both local TV and Radio separately, as well as TV and Radio together.  Combined with Nielsen Scarborough local consumer insights, these combinations of TV, Radio plus Scarborough provide cross-media optimization at a persons-level and enable granular advanced audience segmentation.

“On the agency side, Local Nielsen Media Impact helps us to understand the local media landscape and determine the best properties and combinations of media channels, driving unique reach for our media plan,” says Kyle Allen, Partner/Media & Research Director, The Company.  “This solution will help us optimize our planned budget and to cost effectively deliver against our objectives.”

“Local Nielsen Media Impact offers a unique lens to the industry, enabling effective decision-making about where and when to engage audiences with content and advertising on local levels,” said Jay Nielsen, VP/Product Leadership, Nielsen. “Similar to the solution clients have widely adopted on the national level, this local solution unlocks access to new insights on media allocation and schedule optimization to better reach a cross platform-based audience.”

“On the radio side, Local Nielsen Media Impact offers empirical data supporting radio’s ability to amplify and complement TV campaigns, “ says Bob McCurdy, Beasley Media Group.  “This is the first time radio is included in this type of multi-channel media mix that enables users to derive cross media insights with currency grade accuracy. Nielsen Scarborough data within the NMI solution allows us to assess campaign scenarios against consumer insights.”

As audience-based advertising evolves across platforms, Nielsen is leveraging the unique power of Scarborough, true in market local data, that offers audience segments beyond basic demographics including behavioral, attitudinal, and cross-platform media behavior attributes. With the aim of driving greater return on investment for media buys while also simplifying the planning process, Local Nielsen Media Impact is a vital tool for understanding how to reach, and activate audience based buying on a local level across TV and radio with more media types to come in the future.