It’s not often that you get to live out your dream and help launch a hot new radio station in your own hometown, and then 10 years later you become the guy in charge! But that’s exactly what Mike Miller has done at Clear Channel Top 40 WHKF (Kiss FM)/Harrisburg. He helped launch the station in 2001 and was named its Program Director in 2011. Since then, Kiss FM hasn’t missed a beat and remains focused on being Harrisburg’s Hit Music Station & #1 for New Music! 

Mike Miller

Mike Miller

By Bob Burke

Mike Miller’s radio career began in 1998 like most, as an intern. It’s where you learn the most by observation and being involved at the ground level. In 2001, he helped launch a brand new CHR in Harrisburg, PA WHKF (Kiss FM). It would become his radio home for the next four years when in 2005 he picked up and headed to Portland to host the night show under KKRZ PD Brian Bridgeman. In 2006, he was promoted to afternoon drive and by 2007 he found himself headed back home to the station he had helped launch to host morning drive.
Miller has always been involved in the programming department whether it was helping the station musically, promotionally or creatively. All the hard work would eventually pay off as he was handed the keys to the car and named Program Director in 2011. Miller has never looked back and is the engine that helps drives Kiss FM’s ratings and revenue, always looking to create, innovate and entertain. The industry needs more Mike Millers! A “programmer to watch” with a winning attitude who simply loves music and making a difference in people’s lives!

How did you decide that radio would end up as your career of choice?
I started getting in the music industry when I was 12 by launching my own mobile DJ Company. At 14, I was doing weddings, proms, corporate events and more. It was nuts. I knew music was my passion and I loved the entertaining aspect of being a DJ, so put them together and I knew I wanted to do radio. I was lucky to get into the industry at 16 by becoming the night show producer/intern for the late Pat Kain. He taught me the right way by making sure I understood every aspect of radio before even letting me on the air. I learned production, promotions, prep, producing, segueing…everything.

Is it extra special to be back programming at the station you helped launch?
Without question! Of course you have your radio goals but when you get the chance to head back home to be in charge of the station you helped launch in 2001, there’s something about that. I helped Jason Barsky kick this thing off in ’01 and ten years later I’m running it.

5161602How has the station evolved musically over the years?
WHKF has gone through a lot of changes in music styles. We started leaning pretty Rhythmic in 2001 and then went very Pop, then more Hot AC/Alt Rock sounding, back to Rhythmic, back to Pop. It kept changing because of ratings and the way the Top 40 chart would change. When I took over I wanted to maintain the true sound of Kiss FM and that’s playing the biggest and best songs. The songs that test now and tested back then. Proven hits live here. I monitor stations that I feel are very similar to HKF and try to keep it consistent. Doing this has really helped us keep the station focused.

Top 40 has been enjoying a healthy music cycle with many different genres represented. How tough is it making sure the station has a balanced sound?
While it’s a little challenging it’s also fun. You want to make sure your station covers it all for the listeners’ enjoyment so having a second pair of eyes to help overview your daily log is always a good idea. That’s what I love about Top 40. We can play DJ Snake,American Authors, Demi Lovato and Calvin Harris all on the same channel.

How much has the artist visit/lounge element helped in the development of new artists?
I truly believe that being able to offer an artist a performance lounge helps them out so much. Think about it. While it helps the station look good bringing in the stars, it also gives the stars a practice session. These performances are all for them to practice to get better. If you can offer that to an artist and have fans meet their favorites…it’s a win-win for everyone.

You really enjoyed the live events aspect of the job. Tell us about your upcoming TrendFest 2014 and how the idea came about.
Trendfest is something we launched last year by bringing in three to five acts that actually have significant social media followings in our area and who are very active with our audience. We look at digital sales as well and see who would fit. This year we are really happy with our line up of Icona Pop, Hot Chelle Rae, American Authors, Cash Cash, NONONO and DJ Cassidy. When given the chance to provide something to an audience, I always want to provide something they can’t get anywhere else. I want to put on a show they will love and never forget. It’s that connection we have with our audience that other’s can’t touch.

Has the radio station/record label relationship developed to where each understand how the partnership works better for both?
Once both sides understand your goals and how you both work, you set yourself up for an understanding relationship. I understand their job and what they need to do and they understand the same thing with me and what I’m trying to accomplish for my station. It makes for a great partnership where we both benefit in the end.

Mike with Bruno Mars

Mike with Bruno Mars

You’re also involved in a lot on the creative end and even do some work for Q102 in Philly. How exciting has that experience been and is that something that interests you?
Everyone has that “dream station” they loved when growing up. Q102 was mine. I LOVED it so much and when I was able to get my foot in the door to help with the creative side…it was incredible. I was imaging the station that I looked up to and fell in love with. I learned so much from former WIOQ imager Ed Bishop. He really made that station sound larger then life and when I was asked to image the station I wanted to keep that sound alive. I’ll never forget when [then Q102 PD] Tim Herbster said to me, “You know this station better then anyone I know. You have a lot of talent with imaging. Do your thing and let me know if you need anything.” Tim let me be the creative one because he knew I wanted to make Q sound amazing. The creative sessions we would have were ones I will never forget.

What is it like working within the Clear Channel family and having use of such a powerful digital platform like iHeartRadio?
I’m really blessed to have been brought into this family when I was 16, and this entire time it’s been a crazy ride. We do have the best of the best in the industry, there’s no question. iHeartRadio is so innovative and has set the bar high for future platforms. Thanks to all the hard work of the iHeartRadio team, a little town like Harrisburg can now be heard anywhere, at anytime. Which honestly scares the crap out of me!

Who are some the people you would call mentors who have really influenced you in this business?
The guy who saw something in me from the start was the late Pat Kain. He saw I had the passion for this industry and gave me my break. I will never ever forget that. There are four other guys that I really look up to and think of as my mentors: Billy The Kiddand Kane for on-air, and for Imaging it’s Ed Bishop and Ricky Roo.

Tell us something about Mike Miller that we may be surprised to find out.
This is hard to answer without being made fun of. Honestly, it’s that I want to make a difference in whatever I do. I know that may seem cheesy but it’s true. I love giving back and helping others. For my DJ Company, I organized a breast cancer event with our local hockey team called “Pink The Rink” and both years so far we have raised over $20,000 for breast cancer awareness. And I will drop everything I’m doing to help an organization that involves helping kids out.

What area comes to mind where radio can do a better job of remaining as the go-to media of choice?
Entertaining. Informative. Fun. Those are the three things we all need to do on a daily basis. Remembering what radio is about. It’s building a brand but also establishing a special relationship with listeners that they can’t get enough of. They want to listen because we’ll play their favorite songs, we will keep them in the loop on news/gossip/events, and we will entertain them. We can never lose sight that radio is the ultimate companion.

[eQB Content By Bob Burke ]