“I believe this longevity can be obtained by honing your skills in things that may not even necessarily be in your natural comfort zone.”



Skywalker, APD, WSPK/Poughkeepsie

The term “multitasking” and the phrase “wear many hats” are used a lot in our business today to represent the necessary need to handle more then just an air shift; such as music, production or promotions. In an effort to make myself more marketable as an air talent I currently handle several multi-format air shifts. My typical week spans from Lady Gaga to Lady Antebellum to “Lady Madonna” by The Beatles. How I approach each unique situation and station varies and it is a constant thought each and every time I crack the microphone.

Weekday afternoon drive on CHR WSPK/K104 is the foundation of my current on air career. I am in year number ten of my show and have created a great connection and relationship with my listeners. My show preparation for K104 is clockwork for me. A mixture of lifestyle, Pop culture and listener interaction as well as selling our very active radio station, is the formula that has worked for me.

Middays on Classic Hits WBPM is a voice-tracked show I’ve been handling since the radio station’s birth in 2007. The presentation of this particular Classic Hits station is upbeat and forward moving. I do not have to work too hard on adjusting my delivery to meet the pace of this station however my vernacular is the area I watch closely. The demographic skews older than my CHR roots and I make sure my content reflects such. United Stations “Pulse of Radio” prep service works well for the format and provides great artist content both in print and with audio clips. My shift is voice-tracked, which poses a whole other set of considerations when recording. I make sure I am current, topical and do whatever I can to put forth the most live sounding show possible. This station is located in the same building that I am in, so integrating some live contests as well as attending station events allows me to keep the integrity of the show. I also participate in as many social media platforms as possible to further keep that connection to my listeners.

Weekends I trek three hours down the interstate to Boston’s WBMX Mix 104.1, a heritage Hot AC in New England. As my PDJay Beau Jones put it, “I need to be ‘Skywalker’ but at 30% less.” Besides the obvious consideration of my on air delivery and pacing, I want to be sure that I embrace the city I am working in despite being a “weekender from New York.” I always arrive to my show a few hours early and try to get to one restaurant, happening or station appearance. These become experiences I reference on my show that same weekend to keep my content local and relatable. WBMX is also a PPM market so the delivery and execution is a little different than what I experience during the week at my other two on air gigs.

The above situations are becoming more and more typical in an air personalities life given the current economy and the general landscape of radio today. I have also begun writing a weekly column for the local newspaper as well as teach radio and television production at the local college. My goal in broadcasting is to maintain longevity. I believe this longevity can be obtained by honing your skills in things that may not even necessarily be in your natural comfort zone. I love to talk to fellow broadcasters and compare experiences and ideas. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at www.skyskymedia.com