After serving as acting Chair of the Federal Communications Commission since January, Jessica Rosenworcel has been formally nominated by President Joe Biden for Chairwoman of the FCC. If approved by the Senate, she will be the first female Chair of the FCC.

On Twitter, Rosenworcel wrote:

Biden also named Gigi Sohn to the seat on the five-member commission vacated by Rosenworcel when she became the acting chairwoman. Sohn served from 2013 to 2016 as counselor to former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler. If confirmed by the Senate, Sohn would be the FCC’s first openly LGBTQ commissioner.

FCC Commissioner Brendar Carr said in a statement, “I want to extend my congratulations to Chairwoman Rosenworcel on her designation as Chair of the FCC and on her nomination by the White House to serve another five-year term. I also want to extend my congratulations to Gigi Sohn on her nomination to serve on the Commission.

“During the past ten months, under the leadership of Chairwoman Rosenworcel, I have enjoyed the chance to work in a bipartisan manner to advance the public interest, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue this important work with my FCC colleagues.”

Commissioner Geoffrey Starks said in a statement, “I congratulate my friend and colleague Jessica Rosenworcel on her nomination and her designation as Chairwoman of the FCC. For many years, the Commission and the American people have benefitted from Jessica’s tireless advocacy for bringing the benefits of broadband to all Americans—particularly our children. I am excited to collaborate on the important work ahead for our agency.

“In Gigi Sohn, President Biden has identified an accomplished leader whose talent, expertise, and experience will invigorate our work at the FCC. Protecting consumers, advancing national security, promoting diverse media, and making modern communications networks accessible and affordable for every American are enormous tasks that require a full-strength FCC. I look forward to working with Gigi.”