Michael Burger
iHeartMedia announced today that Michael Burger has been elevated to Market President for Raleigh, effective immediately. He will report to Tom McConnell, Division Present for iHeartMedia.
“Michael is a strong natural leader with high business acumen,” said McConnell. “He has introduced new strategic changes and created synergies between our content creators and revenue drivers that have helped fuel the overall performance for the market.”
Burger takes the lead in Raleigh after serving as Senior Vice President of Sales for iHeartMedia Raleigh. Prior to that, Burger served as Vice President of Sales for the St. Louis iHeartMedia market and as a Zone Political Point for over 12 markets. He began his media career in the television industry, working for KMIZ/KQFX in Columbia, MO, as well as KTVI FOX 2 in St. Louis, MO, in sales and digital strategy roles.
“I am beyond appreciative and grateful to be trusted with this opportunity,” said Burger. “As Raleigh continues to grow, expand and flourish, I look to the future with excitement, encouragement and promise. iHeartMedia Raleigh has established itself as a fierce competitor in the market. We have positioned ourselves incredibly to not only be a destination source for entertainment, music, events, social media, and audio, but to help our clients tell their stories in a creative way that helps them achieve new heights.”